8 Most Disturbing Things Caught on Doorbell Camera Footage

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Here is volume 4 of the Most Disturbing Things Caught on Doorbell Camera Footage. This video features 8 of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary clips captured by doorbell camera videos (Ring Doorbell Clips, Nest Door Bell Camera Videos).

Disclaimer – This video is for educational purposes only. All clips found throughout this video are meant to educate viewers on the dangers of the world via doorbell camera footage. The focal point of this video is education.

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About the Author: Chilling Scares


  1. and this is why I (and everyone else should) always have a little buckshot nearby, not a house you wanna be creeping around 😏

  2. As far as the comments about how the kid should have had a key, I had a key but also had a bad habit forgetting the thing or losing it in the lining of my bag because the bag had a hole in it. So maybe he did have one, but didn't have quick access to it

    Good on the lady in the other video for reflexively locking the door behind her too.

  3. These videos are quite literally why my husband and I stay strapped. We live deep in the woods/country where it would take police a long time to reach us, and I’m often home alone, so we prioritize our own safety.

    We sleep with hidden weapons, we have more hidden in other rooms, we have pre-discussed plans for different situations, we are both trained, certified, and excellent shots. If someone were even to dare try breaking into our home, they’d be met with not one, but two barrels blasting them backwards before they even got past the threshold.

    My parents, grandparents, cousins, and more also live within 1-10 minutes of our house, some even live within earshot- They all stay strapped as well, so if someone wanted to come invoke hell, they’d better be prepared for an entire family of it.

  4. My stomach full on turned into knots seeing the faces of the men close to the camera holy crap I’ve never experienced a big physical reaction like this to a video before

  5. Attention!!!! Notice majority of the time the police don't get there in time? This is just ONE reason NOT to refund the police!!! Who would you call with less police or even none? The other neighborhood's crack dealer? Seriously, think about it, We need .MORE and BETTER trained police and social workers!!!

  6. I find it heartbreaking to see that young boy have to scream for help like that and have guys in a car trolling him that hurts me to watch. I can’t stand it. I’m so glad that he’s OK and nothing happened to him

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