A caring woman has rescued local strays and abandoned cats and has been taking excellent care of them in her small home, hoping they can get adopted, But this overpopulation in such a small place means that cat flu is spreading to all the kittens at an alarming rate.
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#rspca #animalrescue #kittens
This RSPCA Should have de-sexed him (if needed), given him shots and then taken him back to the park where he had shelter. People were willing to provide food and an area where he was able to socialize with other dogs. A sign could have been posted to make newcomers aware that he was a free dog! So sad to see he was put down
One month is not long enough to see if a dog can be ok with humans and he was not aggressive!!!…the other thing they could have done is to neuter and vaccinate him and release him back to where he came from…to euthanise such a young and healthy dog is absolutely not ok…what harm did he do in the park??? And he was fed by locals…I'm seriously disappointed in the rspca!!!!
What I see is favoritism with the ppl and animals here they pick witch ones are better to them shame just shame y’all don’t even give half these animals chances just jump the gun I seen animals almost died and they done fine just wasting animals their just picking the best films 😪🤬😡🙄😐 Maybe really help them and not just put them down becuase y’all don’t want to I just don’t understand if they love animals why give up so easily just wtf This show is a joke sure they help the bare minimum with these animals but not really helping them to me shame their failing what they care about it makes them no different from ppl that leave animals sick or anything VERY DISAPPOINTED IN THIS SHOW JUST WOW the dog is scared and all dogs are different they all need time not weeks or days or just a simple mistake 👎🏻 just failed him badly he didn’t deserve to be put down becuase no one wanted to spend time with him and get him better just makes me sick favoritism at it’s finest 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
13:40 – I've had conjunctivitis before. It sucks. Sticky eyes that just won't stop itching.
No onder callum didn´t improve. Locked up in a dark hole dragged out for accessments only. He was doing so good with the other dogs in the parks. He only needed contact to other dogs and some love.
The arrogance killing Callen and showing us like it is no big deal. I am astonished you would even let this get out? What kind of assessment is that?
THE RSPCA Was INCOMPETENT with the goats, allowing them to stand in the sun while they figured out things. Always take of the animals first in cases like this, and then figure out what’s going on! AND MORE GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS 👎! I think that may only hinder things.
We think your animals are in a dangerous condition and something bad could happen to them if they stay here.
We are going to seize them and kill them for their safety and so they don’t get hurt.
🤔 🧐 🤨
It’s a shame about Callum. Wasn’t there a dog sanctuary where he could have spent his life?
Calan should have been sent straight to foster!!
The rspca literally sees a dog tuck it’s tail and will be like “it’s too stressed to live so we have to euthanize it”. Like cmon!!! What actual work was put in with him?? Cause if it was a month of pure, dedicated training and care, there would’ve been some improvement. But literally any well behaved dog would have a hard time being in an over crowded shelter like that. Y’all are just so god damn quick to kill a dog that literally just needed more time and effort.
I'm done with this series. They include much too high a percent of animals that die and, in cases like Callen, I don't think it's euthanasia. He was right to be terrified of people considering the RSPCA's attitude is "you've had a traumatic past. Get over it in a month or we'll kill you."
That's bullshit! Bullshit you hear me?! RSPCA killed a puppy that was not given the time that he needed! He shouldn't have just been given time to come around but a foster family to help him.
Back in 2019 me and my my family had adopted a shepherd mix who showed signs that he wasn't treated right in his old home. Flinching away from human touch like he thought he was gonna be hit mainly! But yet the shelter still allowed him to be adopted out, however you know how long it took him to get over what happened to him? Months! But yet we kept working with him to show him that not all humans are bad and are gonna hurt them. But we got really lucky since he wasn't just a puppy at 5 months old but still young enough to be taught that humans are good. Today he no longer flinches away from human touch instead he demands to be pet, for real all you have to do is put your hand near him and he'll paw at it or lean his head into it.
For some it takes years to undo all that had been cause. Clallam wasn't given that chance he SHOULD have gotten!
Impossible to euthanize this dog!!!!!????? Why??? Not aggressive towards people! Not aggressive towards dogs!
Just pure fear of people! And then…they put him to sleep too….
I am at a loss for words….. does not go at all 👎👎👎👎👎😭
People get on my nerves, and knowing that Callan was murdered by people who are supposed to save them but instead they kill him really pisses me off.
RSPCA does not have the time or patience to rehabilitate a special pup like Callen. Very wrong to murder a perfectly health dog. They take the easy way out. Shame on you RSPCA!
How do you people live with yourselves????
I volunteered at an SPCA for quite a long time. It would blow you over if you realized how many people just dropped their animals in a box at the gate. Absolutely unspeakable. Keep in mind how frequently non neutered animals are capable of reproducing….quite sad….
RSPCA, disgusted on your decision to euthanize Callum. With the proper training and ENOUGH time there is no dout that Callum would have overcome his fear of people. What harm would it have done to give him the time he needed (whether a day or a year) for a pup that had (obviously) known only trauma his entire young life? Rescues who do not see nearly the funding that YOU do give a dog the time it needs to heal. Seeing him playing so nicely with the other pups in the park is 💔. I pray that every person who watches this vlog will voice their dismay and perhaps you will change your policy.
Callen needed to be with other dogs. Not just kenneled and with people. I’m so sorry. I’ve had dogs like this. A pack, like the one he had at the park, do wonders. I know I don’t have the full story. 😢
Sad how they euthanize. Of course he didn't get better in a shelter. Shocking. I have a wild blm mustang that was given up on and headed for horrible situation. Time, love and patience and she is now the easiest of my 3 horses. Shame for them giving up on him. Wish one of those loving park people had stepped up to foster him. oh well.
The animal behavior tests are outdated and they never give an innocent animal enough time to improve, especially in that environment they are from and in. I'm a certified, trained, pro rescuer who cares for homeless, feral cat and kitten colonies and I was told you have 3 months to socialize a kitten from birth or its permanently feral. This has never been true. I have started with cats one year old and older who met a human me for the first time and sociized them to humans. It took .ore time and patience.
Never use yarn as a cat toy, many cats get caught, strangled, and die.
On the dog use a humane trap.
Viewers you reiterate ASPCA and RSPCA are kill shelters, despite what their name says. They will not spend at of money on ill and injured animals, they will kill them. Now that you know that animL lovers, what will you do to stop this? I do my part in many ways.
I guess this woman never heard of becoming a non profit animal rescue and TNR.
These goats are ear tagged and once they are fattened up they are inhumanely slaughtered for people food. Contrary to what the RSPCA says, this is not ok, its murder of an innocent animal for money.
I am happy to see how well the poor dog is treated by y he Rspca
The RSPCA failed called !!
Jingru is sexy as hell!
The dog, of course, was euthanized, no surprise.
"Cat flu" is liike "bird flu" it's bull crap. An easy excuse to euthanize. The only symptom 2 of the kittens had was weepy eyes from conjunctivitis, which is very common in rescue kittens before rescue and it is simple to treat if caught early enough. Shame.
Kudos to the woman taking care of the cats even tho they got the cat flu.
Really clean and nice at her house.
The goat buyer should know better than transporting the goats in the heat and crowded without food and water.
Awful ending with the gorgeous Callen/Callam or what his name was!
How come none of the other dog owners knowing him didn't take him in?
He seemed perfect with their dogs.
I totally understand the costs and space for him, but he didn't show any aggression only fear and that would he get over over time I'm sure.
It really broke my heart! 😭
Poor Callen. All he needed was more time with a foster parent. The RSPCA failed this time.
That is horrible that he was euthanized just because he was afraid. Don't you have private rescue organizations that specialize in rehabbing? Animals don't do well in a shelter environment. Poor thing didn't have a chance.😥
Rest in peace Callam. So sad.
Poor Callen ….. The rspca needs to do better for dogs like him…. There are options. Luke Evans could rehabilitate a dog like Callen, it just takes more than a month. Shame on them…. Makes me so mad, because the ending made me cry watching his ashes being spread…. Don't worry Callen all dogs go to heaven….
One week to rehabilitate a new abused dog isn't near enough time. If you can't rehabilitate him find a rescue to help him don't pick him up. He was just a baby.
Wát een prachtige poezelotjes,hoeveel waren er dat wel niet een goede " vangst "