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About the Author: Ciri The Ashen One


  1. I honestly feel like red hood is underrated a bit, cause even though batman was holding back red hood had surprised batman a little in that fight, really shows that the red hood is unpredictable like batman and has alot of potential

  2. 3:26

    Here is how this fight scene should have went:

    Jason goes through window, but realizes the Bathroom doesn't have a door to to get to the room with Joker


    Bruce comes in through the same window

    BM: "Really? You claim to be a better Batman then me, yet you don't have a contingency plan for a bathroom not having a door?"

    RH: "Shut up, Bruce! No one in their right mind would think of ever being in a situation where a bathroom doesn't have a door! If you are as great as you say, what's your plan for not having a doo-"

    Bruce bashes Jason through the wall


  3. Bro got his nose slammed on a toilet seat by a dude who can bench 1000lbs, easily shatter walls, and lift and throw grown men across a room with one arm, and didn’t even bleed, wtf

  4. Never noticed that the white eyes under Jason's helmet were because of the mask he was wearing under it. Just something I never really thought about.

  5. If you won't break my jaw on sight, then you don't actually want to kill. If you want to kill them, then break my jaw.

    She loved me for the same reason I loved her. If you want them dead, break my jaw. That's all you have to do.

  6. Red Hood is the person I stand with. The older I get, the less I see Batman and Superman as heros and more of a hindrance. This movie proves to me that in the span of a few weeks, Jason has did more than Batman did in 30+ years simply because hesnot afraid to end a problem before it gets too big. That ALONE makes him better than batman in my eyes. I don't have the misplaced hope that simply putting them in an asylum is gonna help a damn thing. A bullet, electric chair, gas chamber and noose gets more results than his idiotic assumption that simply putting them in jail does. Batman and superman have the same predictable pattern that is on infinate repeat. Criminals kill some people, they solve the mystery, they put them in prison, they escape and do the same damn thing again! It NEVER comes out to actual justice or a real problem solving answer! The two innept idiots need to get their heads out of their asses and understand that people like joker, penguin and two-face will NEVER fully change at the rate their going. ESPECIALLY JOKER! That problem has only a few ways to stop them. One. Forcefully lobotomize them into being pacified like the justice lords. Two. Batman/Superman dies and stays dead. Three. The villains are forced, by death or laser, to stop. That is why Batman and Superman are now my most hated characters of both Marvel AND DC.

  7. It took me years to find out about Jason Todd. I'd heard the name only once when I was little, but I never got the full story until I saw this movie. And when I did, he became my favorite Robin AND my favorite Anti-Hero

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