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Black Panther: Wakanda Forever tells the heartbreaking story of Wakanda reeling form the death of their king, T’Challa. It also introduces the first mutant, Namor, and expands the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the undersea kingdom of Talocan. In this breakdown, we reveal all of the Marvel Easter Eggs, unleash a ton of theories on what will happen next, and I think we even spotted your mom.
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Written, Hosted, and Edited by Ryan Arey (http://twitter.com/ryanarey)
Additional editing by Harriet Lengel-Enright, Randolf Nombrado, Brianna McLarty, and Srinidhi Rao
#WakandaForever #EasterEggs #marvel
The movie’s backbone is symbolism associated with gods and the elements–earth, wind, air and [avatar, fire]. Both the Wakandans and the Talocanians draw their strength from vibranium–and the vibranium fed plants that imbue them with superpowers. The first black panther, Bashenga, was led to the heart shaped herb by the panther goddess bast, that herb grows in the ground, and the Wakandan vibranium is inside of a mountain. Making Wakanda a nation more closely associated within the earth.
But the Talocanians have a similar, parallel origin story. When their people were threatened by colonialism, the god of the rain, Chaac, led a shaman into the water, to endow all of their people with the ability to become of the water. So talocan obviously is a nation based around water.
Yes, but, they are also a culture that controls the air. Chaac was the god of rain–and rain is water that falls from the sky. In ancient Mayan history, it’s said that Kukulkan worked side-by-side with Chaac to bring rain to the lands. Kukulkan would fly in front, signaling the upcoming rain. And remember, the Talocanians think Namor is a god [clip]. In Mayan mythology, Kulkulkhan would fly before the god Chaac, warning of rain. We’ll talk more about this mythology later, but this explains Namor’s ability to fly–his people are based around the sky meeting the sea.
And this is where it gets interesting, because Wakanda is also a culture based around fire. Unlike Talocan, they have advanced electrocity, which runs on water–a kind of harnessed fire. And Shuri is the most brilliant mind in Wakanda-she is the master of this technological fire.
But the first scene in the movie shows her losing control of this power. She cannot use the technology to save her brother’s life.
There’s a crucial scene early in the movie, where her mother wants her to burn her ceremonial funeral clothes, as a way to let go of her grief. And Shuri says that she is worried that if she does that, then the fire of her grief will burn the world. IN other words, she’s internalizing her rage–the fire within her soul.
Fire was also heavily used in conjunction with Erik Killmonger in the first film. He burns the heart shaped herbs, symbolic of his desire to burn down the world [clip]. Shuri feels grief and rage similar to her cousin’s. Erik found his father’s body in their apartment, so this was the moment where his rage was born. This is the money he could never move p[ast. So, this is why he sees his dad’s spirit in this same apartment.
Shuri sees Killmonger for the same reason. She bears that same rage. She’s mad at Killmonger, and herself–and she sees him in the room where her mother died–the trauma she cannot overcome. So Killmonger lights this room on fire, to show how her rage would consume the kingdom in eternal war.
And here’s the thing–we all know that water douses fire. The only way fire can beat water is if it’s boiled–and that requires tools, or technology. Shuri wins by harnessing the technological fire of electricity through a modified ship, to heat up Namor–essentially boiling away his water. And fire is how she finally defeats him, by setting off an explosion– a fire that burns out of control.
So as we go through this video, you’ll see these themes of the elements, and the gods, recur over and over again.
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This movie tugged at my feelings throughout its entirety. Loved it. There were a few deaths that struck me as sudden, like our Queens but overall just a beautiful movie
Tbh this movie has been one of the best marvel movies in a while… and I mean A WHILE.
Bucky will not betray Wakanda
Only thing I disagree with that and god(s). I get there's artistic license and already history written since the mid and earlier 1900s. And also there are I believe various African tribes many whose ancestors believed in dead spirits and God's and God like spirits. I believe like many races of people the devil DOES NOT discriminate but I do believe forget the interpretation of old texts based on historical actions there are some races more devilish, devil like, or more susceptible or born with more devil than others. They are more inclined to do the devils bidding on large world changing scales. I think my people ( the original hebrews), the original people made by jehovah we all know by now Africa is the cradle of humanity and civilization. Their own led them astray betraying god and praising different types of false gods. Then Europeans came in and pulled us even further away from God by reintroducing god to various African nations and the africans they enslaved but even worse a false version of the actual god using his tool he left us for guidance to convince his own people they were made to serve they were made to be enslaved and ruled over completely and indefinitely. How convenient the white people who used god against his own people during their great suffering giving them nothing but this book and teaching them using that book what they were experiencing was what good wanted what god expected. It doesn't make the god of Abram Issac and yacob false it makes those telling blatant lies now that we can read the English language THEIR language for ourselves. If you read the Bible it completely contradicts everything taught to africans by Europeans about the Bible. Despite being the ones copying the Bible they still could not change the truth which says a lot about the Bible. They could've copied the Bible in such a way that actual read the way they interpreted and translated it for africans and continue to benefit economically, socially, and had the words ACTUALLY read in such a way that supported their lies but they didn't and haven't and the bible essentially states no one can change the messages, the stories, the information as it is intented to be interpreted by God. I honestly wonder if anyone sane and with average even below average IQ honestly believed the bullshit they were telling africans or if the majority of them knew better…..
I digress back to the movie. I appreciate the movie for the sense of pride, capability, having the opportunity to be viewed as larger than life like white people have been given time and time again. White people….some…..at a some point history many white people did everything they could to keep black people out of as much as they could in reference to jobs and opportunities that could bring a kind of greatness to a person. From sports, to Hollywood, to intellectual based careers, too politics, too law enforcement and even today the highest levels of law enforcement ie cia, fbi, Dea (probably more in the dea seeing as poverty, and an intentional move by Italians etc to flood black neighborhoods with dope understanding African Americans were/are too often in a state of perpetual survival. Feeling powerless we tend to hurt each other unfortunately directly and indirectly. Italians picked a handful of blacks to offer the kind of money 95 percent probably higher seeing as only what like 2 percent of americans maybe the world are multi millionaires of that 2 percent especially pre rap and high paying sports as players became more powerful unfortunately some of them marry into non black families. I know love is supposed to be love etc etc bs bs, but at the end of the day every time a micheal jordan, a insert damn near any high profile black pro sports player, muscians as well unfortunately even the ones that appear to marry black, cardi b for example isnt even half black shes straight hispanic. Im not jealous of these women why would i be. I understand from an intellectual and strategic perspective with some wisdom. African Americans will NEVER be the top, the middle of the racial socioeconomic totem pole. Our men are the primary reason. How does a race of people progress, how does it elevate. Black people are everything if only they especially their men knew that we would be like God's. Every time a black man becomes successful and marries a non black woman he tells the world even with all thus talent I still believe you are supreme to me which is why I chose one of YOUR women (insert whatever non black race of people) and one of YOUR families to benefit from my success instead of another family that looks like mine and a woman who looks like the female version of me, because I'm mothafucking beautiful as a man and no white, Asian, hispanic, middle Eastern etc man could have be as beautiful as god made me my brothers and sisters and my brothas and sistahs until one of my sisTAHS becomes my queen. You will never be respected how you view yourself both inside and out affects the way the world views you. Each time you say the next brotha will marry a sistah and strengthen our respect as yourself why not you because you don't know that have zero control (well micheal jordan actually could probably convince a few black male millionaires to marry black…..thats a whole different story the level of stupid people get around another human being, im sure jordan is a very interesting man, trump also, i would love to speak to both, but as awesome as consistently making great deals for both and for jordan having a talent no other man has 1 or 2 came very VERY close (rip kobe), some may not be as great but are more talented like lebron, I don't think lebron is as great as mj (ie I don't like…I dont care for some of Jordan's stances and lack there of as well, but he was a mothafucking beast highly confident and not even an assain I would call like a Tim Duncan an assain you don't see the shit coming may not even realize your getting your ass whipped playing against a Tim Dunca kawahi Leonard type, kobe was also a kind of assain no? Meaning he quietly whopped your ass. But you felt that shit lol. I WISH I could call lebron the greatest of all time PERIOD at this point in his career I was hoping this after the move to LA. I've been hoping this since his Miami days. I do believe I can call lebron the greatest pure skilled basketball player of all time and for me that's hands down. Magic or Kareem would be the 2nd they definitely are 2nd and 3rd. Larry bird is top 10 MAYBE 5 greatest pure skill OFFENSIVE player. I can't say honestly because I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the new crop of talent in the NBA but starting with KD, Derek Rose, Russell Westbrook, James Harden, kawahi Leonard, Paul George, I stopped paying as much attention when these new guys like the guy with the grizzles, the Ball Brothers, really I think steph came in between the kd era and this current era, steph would be with Anthony Davis etc. I'm a true basketball fundamentalist, I lost interest with the rise of golden state. I DO NOT LIKE that little Bart simpson fucker. But respect he's fucking from another world with that 3 pointer. It's like he's a living breathing video game cheat. Just throw the ball towards the goal if you steph curry on nba 2k as long as your beind the 3 point line its going in. I dont like him still don't likely never will he IS the reason lebron has 4 rings instead of 6. Lebron is the reason lebron doesn't have 7. Fate has to be the reason lebron doesn't have 10. If lebron had come into the league with the mamba mentality which is the jordan mentality which is mid years shaq mentality which is Larry bird and Isiah Thomas (detroit pistons bad boy isiah thomas)mentality ironically. They all hatED or hate cough emotional bitch ass scottie pippin *cough*. They kept that man from his rightful place on the 92 dream team or 91 whichever because he hurt their feelings, jordan included, jordan leading, jordan was so petty to do that especially since Isiahs own coach was coaching the dream team. I personally believe with Phil jacksons blessing jordan quiet as it's kept requested Chuck Daly too dig the knife even deeper. It was major and jordan out of pettiness I believe jordan wasn't emotional like that like scottie. Scottie big 7 foot ass was completely on board but Scottie alone wasn't stopping Isiah Thomas from playing on the dream team, but he didnt want Isiah because his giant ass couldn't handle being bullied by 6 foot MAYBE Isiah Thomas. As brutal as those men were on court many both physically and verbally and mentally. It was fucking war. Dennis Rodman was one of the shooters for Isiah before he went to the bulls which actually may have been a petty jordan move I dunno them white men don't care about your petty grievances with each other if it fucks with their money. If Rodman made sense for the organization most players would not have a say in the matter but mj isn't mostplayers. Im certain though mj wasn't the demanding type thankfully for the bulls even when he did make demands they were to encourage winning. Anyway I think I'll just create a podcast because I've written a fucking book in a youtube comments section that has race, creation, Hollywood, pro sports, religion….I'll just go create that podcast…..
Once I heard Namor mention the Quan….
I already knew 🔥
Are we sure that the god that appeared in Love and Thunder was Quetzalcoatl? I honestly think it's actually Tlaloc which is the Aztec version of Chaac that is mentioned in Wakanda Forever. Tlaloc is typically depicted with blue skin, which is why it makes me think that it is not Quetzalcoatl. We definitely see feathers but not as much "feathered serpent" imagery as I would hope. I would also have to disagree on weather they're considered the same deity or not but I'm not an expert, just a nerd.
15:43 – a reference to my mom. lol Like how you slid that in there.
Anyone noticed Mbaku new vibranium cane?
Maaaaaan this is an extremely detailed breakdown and I’m lovin’ it. Definitely come here after you finish the movie! Great job!!!
My theory for the second meteor was always that a chunk just broke off. It is logical to think that a decent sized but of the first meteor just broke off and landed somewhere else. I’m more surprised no one thought that in the movie.
Conch and cenote 🤣
Reminder that Mayans had their own siren legends. See Xtabay.
I couldn’t find the exact comic but the opening page of a an early comic with Namor is titled “Atlantis, No Amor!” So not the first time this connection has been made.
Me with my head ohones dozing off. Your knocking on that plate is so effing annoying. Never visiting this channel again
I heard this was at least as bad as the awful film Eternals.
Awesome video.
Damn this channel has become e trash. Hard pass. hard like a rock created from earth and pass as forgettable and leaving behind.
Namar was from Atlantis…unless you wanna rewrite origins for a movie
"what the indigenous societies could have done without colonial conquest". listen, all for this fairytale but let's be honest… the Europeans where ages more advanced than that of the Americas. No, the indigenous would not have succeeded to this.
A lot of people seem to miss the points of this movie
15:43 🤣🤣🤣🤣
just want to say a big thank you for your in-depth breakdown featuring the history and culture of the Wakandan's (?) and of Namor's people. Much appreciated.
Another note. When Attuma and Namora attack Okoye Shuri and Riri, near the end when Namora chucks a water bomb at Attuma, he uses his hip to bounce it into Okoye. Probably because of their sport they play back in Talokan where they use their hip to bounce a ball through a hole
When Shuri went to visit Nakia at her home in Haiti, there was a glimpse of her house number which was 1804 – 1804 is the year Haiti gained its independence from France! 🇭🇹
I always wondered why the heart shaped herb wasn't more heavily guarded in panther one, if whomever takes it will become superhuman. Shuri only took a little bit to be powerful – there were plenty left for ree ree and Nakia.
15:43 Leave my Mom out of this!!!
The movie was so terrible the director was basically incompetent most of the movie it was so dark couldn't even see anything. I think I paid $15 not to see black panther but rather a black screen. These MCU movies needs to stop. The crapfest needs to end