Horrific story from a cave we are very familiar with.
Original video by @Disasterthon – True Horror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUupz3_t81U
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hi guys i have just subscibed after a friend told me about dive talk , i have to say amazeing videos looking forward to the start of the journey to watch all the vids , so thanks guys all the way from the uk
is it just me or does woody seem a bit more down in recent videos? Something's not quite right
That well pipe is so cool.
This was a sad one. ❤
Wow, I had no idea you guys have to assume the scooter is going to fail when you do air planning. Woody is awesome for bringing up these points.
Would going off the line be considered a “Jump off”?
Super sad to be the uncle that lost his nephew. I can't even imagine. So sorry to the family.
I’m super excited to get my scuba certification next year! I’m going to the Florida Keys in May!
Why don't every diver use rebreathers and some continue to use open circuit?
I haven't watched your videos in about 3 months and it is astounding how different woody looks here. I hope all is well sir.
Sure Woody.. you were playing the lost buddy role… wink wink
Woody looking zonked out of his mind he needs to lay off if u making facial expressions.
The closest I've done to a cave like dive is ship wreck diving up in Lake Superior. We were always trained to bring pony bottles with us for emergencies. Why isn't this a common practice? I don't mean to sound like an "armchair expert" but I feel for the family. Thank you for sharing
I was talking to a lady just a couple of days ago, and we were talking about some video on YouTube. She asked if there are any channels I follow, my favorite, etc. She stopped me when I mentioned Dive Talk to ask about it. She is open water certified and loves SCUBA diving. When I told her what y’all do, she said that she wants to cave dive so badly, but that she wouldn’t attempt it before she’s cave certified. I was really happy to hear that! I told her how educational your channel is, and she was excited to check it out! Anyway, y’all have talked about/done videos on so many divers who aren’t cave trained thinking they could handle it, and it turns out to be a disaster. I thought it was refreshing talking to a diver who isn’t cave trained and won’t try it until she is certified!
I actually live in live oak right next to little river
Love from Denmark❤️ great video as usual 💪🏼💪🏼
Yeah. That panic must be the worst feeling in the world. RIP.
"Woody, it's 17:30. Time for your disaster video commentary." 🙂
"Yes, honey."
I feel like there’s a noticeable difference between Gus and Woody and how they interact now vs when i started watching 😢 hope they haven’t gotten sick of it
Depending on the time the flow of a little river is insane. Imagine using that DPVA IN a panic on the way out with flow. That guy was FLYING. Scary
Two beasts! Love your channel!
So basically because he did not have presence of mind to put his nephew online, he basically signed his death certificate..
That going to hurt for many years to come..
Some great advice, these vids can save lives. You emphasize the 3 most important factors – safety, safety and safety. Super work guys. 👍👍👍
I know Woody is very knowledgeable and obviously enjoys teaching people but sometimes he sounds like a D.A.R.E. presenter trying to get an elementary school excited about drug safety lol
As someone who spent to much time watching scary movies I have a irrational fear of the ocean I would love to see n experience it but till then I live out my dive fantasy through you guys
Hey guys! Love your channel and your commentary. I'm concerned about Woody though. He doesn't seem his comical, weird self lately. I hope he's well and returns to his goofy banter with Gus soon! Wish you all, all the best!
Yes, I understand this video isn't really the place for silliness but Woody just doesn't seem himself.
Can you guys recommend a beginner's dive course in Cebu, Philippines? How do I know which one can be trusted?
"Swimming like savages" tickled me 😂 😂 😂
I've never been diving what so ever. I just stumble across your channel some months ago. I've watched every video you put out, its just so interesting. And the voices of both of you is soothing to have on in the background while I do other things such as cleaning. Now I give random facts to people when diving comes on topic in games, or scenes on the tv. Keep it up guys, you're awesome! 😀
I looked up the details and found they were both NSS-CDS cave certified, having done the course together 3 years earlier. The victim was working as an SDI Open Water Instructor. He had dived this cave complex 20 times out of a total of 75 cave dives. So he appears to have had appropriate training and to have been in current diving practice, although I have no info on their DPV cave training. They were in dry suits, hoods but no gloves in a water temp of 72F. The victim was using a backmount pair of steel Faber 125s with no manifold, sounds damn heavy to me!
I'm not familiar with NSS-CDS course requirements but you would hope that basic line procedures as you describe would be explained and practiced.
Points arising from this sad incident must therefore start with the mental discipline to avoid distraction and not get separated from your buddy, and then the emphasis that line procedures are taught for a reason and need to be remembered and practiced often. I'm not saying these guys got a tick for finishing the course and then just winged it from then on, but deviation from best practice can be slow and insidious.
Thanks Gus n Woody, love your dive talks
Gus and Woody, this story put a question in my head. When you go on cave dives using DPVs (due to penetration distance), do you account for the DPV failing at the deepest point penetration wise in the cave? I'm guessing you guys do consider this but do you stage bottles or just take more air or what?
The flow of the water could have carried his body as well. He very well could have died way further in. Truly heartbreaking
Just a quite a few questions I am wondering about and I am not a diver and would like to know the answers please.
1. What is the deepest depth a person can go and don't have to decompress on the way back up and does it vary from person to person and if it does how would you know if you would have too?
2. If it does vary what are the cases? Do medical issues play a part in it also?
3. What medical condition's a person might have to make you two say, You could but don't do this and don't go below this depth!
To saying No, you should never go diving or you can't go diving with these medical diagnoses?
4. What if you and Woody went diving with a small group and one person with you two had one or some of those medical issues but didn't know it how would you recognize threw is an issue and what are the steps to recognizing it and what are the steps on dealing with a problem like that?
5. I have always been fascinated by rebreathers when I was a kid but practically don't know that much about them.
Can You run out of air with them?
6. How much air is in the tanks?
7. What don't a lot more or all divers use them?
8 How do rebreathers actually work?
9. What don't you and Woody use the full face masks so you can talk together?
10. Is there any con's to using rebreathers?
Thank you guy's for what all you guys do for the dive community you two are awesome!
When I was a kid growing up one of my favorite Documentary to watch was, The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau did you guys watch it too? I found his Documentaries it fascinating and he always wore that red beanie hat lol.
Did you two used to watch him?
Hard to say what happend, sad story.
Using a dpv as a cave divers is as dangerous as walking around with a loaded gun with the safety of. It takes way more training beyond cave training using a dpv in a cave.
Thnx for showing this one