It’s been nearly 3 months since I last done a Roblox Natural Disaster Survival video and currently the 3rd one is the most viewed and most liked and most disliked video on my channel, the reason this video got so big was because the Official Roblox YouTube account liked my video on their channel, this has been great for me as loads of Roblox fans got to find out about my channel 😀 Here is another for people who are fans of this game, note that the game/recording crashed when filming this at the very end but thought it was lag LOL, anyway I kept in my reaction to “the lag” that I think is pretty funny.
★ Natural Disaster Survival on Roblox ★
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I am now able to be friends with subscribers of my channel for a limited amount of time, as you can only friend 200 people at a time on Roblox, it will give folk a chance to play with me in game, maybe be in a video. I will have to remove people from time to time, in order for other people to get a chance to be friends, so don’t get upset if this happens to you. I will however keep the most helpful people who take part and help me out in my videos. Why not grab a FAN shirt and let’s play 🙂
★★★ Check Out My Brother’s Channel MadaVoid ★★★
=► https://www.youtube.com/madavoid
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The official website for Fraser2TheMax can be found at https://fraser2themax.com
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