Rider: Nicolas Falquet
Location: Switzerland
Entry: #538
GoPro, Transworld Snowboarding, and Newschoolers.com have teamed up to bring you a video contest like no other. We’re looking for your best line this winter! Find your line, turn on your GoPro and document the action for a chance to win the $20,000 grand prize. We’re looking for innovative filming, technical riding, great lighting and creativity.
That’s not skiing, that’s falling.
Bro actually just walked on the side of a mountain without slipping fr 💯
That was completely bonkers. Seems like the camera was attached to that stick coming out of his backpack. Props for not making yet another stupid boring POV video (which you'd expect with GoPro) but rather a video that gave you some perspective on what he was trying to ski, which was pretty nuts.
Я думал у него парашют за спиной, ан нет. Оказалось всего навсего яйца стальные. Пусть Ангел-хранитель тебя не покидает ни на секунду
Now imagine losing a ski here.
I’m glad someone caught how I went to school each morning
"Do it ! It will be fun." They said.
Line of the winter… struggles to get to his line, drops in, eats shit. 😂
How can you not show a shot of the whole mountain to really put the line in perspective? Clearly a crazy line but can’t really tell how crazy
Wanna go skiing?
Goes on to almost die before even beginning to descend a mountain at 100mph with big rectangles on his feet.
Yo wtt??? Is this crazy?
That feeling when you come out of a mountain restaurant and put you skis on, ski away and realise you are wearing someone else's skis…and the other person is skiing with your skis thinking…"these skis don't feel the same as they did before lunch"….
I would be terrified
Shout out out and big props to the cameraman.
oh, what jolly fun! NOT only madmen need apply
At klein matterhorn (3883)m i´m fighting to catch my breath.. well done dude!
Such people are initializing avalanches….just for their EGO!
Wow, very dynamic…
This seems like semi controlled falling down a mountain rather than skiing
Ha it’s all fake. CG forgot to take the wire out. First Moon landing now this. Absolutely in rebel having been to the top of the Eiger and down and zero fear – tourist. Kudos to amazing run.
Thanks bud.
BB fyi SIR
Just 22nd as my mind said
Sure you ski or just playing?
Thanks bud that's when u hold the song and u let every beat drop
Should've just signed the papers like I said you lost your shit get mine fixed imeedanow
ZMM on the ASX. Smart money opportunity?