RUS Artillery Destroys 40% UKR Grid | Bear Brief 16NOV22

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About the Author: Bear Independent


  1. It was an errant Missile fired by Ukrainian Military Air defense Missile Battery's.
    It was not a deliberate Missile Strike.

  2. General winter also has to do with the success Russia has had historically. Most of that area is low and wet, limiting transport of everything to the roads. With the ground freezing they will have more routes to take. The armchair historian did a segment not long ago on this, check it out

  3. Amazing, grant was declined, yet here in NYS our corrupt governor gave 850 million dollars of OUR money, to the Buffalo Bills/NFL for a new stadium. As if the Bills and NFL aren't already rolling in dough 🙄

  4. Sorry, i won't call them elites anymore. they aren't elite, most can't even do a push up and have so much incest in their bloodline that birth defects are a guarantee.

  5. so, let me get this straight. youre out there helping people who desperately need help.. they show up because theyre in need of the food that you have some sort of involvement in providing… and youre calling them zombies? why? doesnt that fly in the face of what you say youre doing? what if it were your family in that situation? i know youre prepared, but its still possible that you and your family could end up with nothing and seeking food.


  7. I love the work you all do. That's what God directs us to do & it's a beautiful thing to see. As for the grant falling through – one door closes, another will open. You, your work and your needs are in my prayers, ALWAYS

  8. Bear….just a tired ol marine still have alot of fight left in me… thank you for all you do….hope one day we cross paths a man I would like to meet

  9. I needed the laugh! "My toddler committing terrorist activities.."I died laughing. I will pray for the 6 year old, I will pray for the grant to go through. I will pray for the situations goings on in the world. Thank you Bear for the joy and deep thoughts you bring. Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless you for all that you do.God bless you brother.

  10. Yeah the elections are without question rigged .This garbage needs to be addressed but will it be probably not.Things won't get any better till folks start growing a pair and do whatever it takes to take down these corrupted turds and take back rule .Wish you and your people well and a great thanksgiving. PEACE AND LOVE

  11. You are all so great, and so positive.I used to be married to a pro. fire captain, paramedic, we both did vol. fire dept. After I lost most of my sight, legally blind, we went our separate ways, and I reopened my foster home, now twenty years later,I have finally closed, still a big need, but I am getting older, and still teaching the younger generation, survival skills, and medical, After Christmas, and you boys are back home,I want to get a large bugout bag, medical bags, and look into classes online, just to keep myself up to date, so be expecting some buss. will have surgery on Jan. 30th, which will lay me up for six to eight weeks, so seems that would be the perfect time to get some classes under my belt. Well, boys as I say every day,I am immensely proud of each of you, you are amazing, you're all in daily, and evening prayer, incredible how fast the donations came in, for young mama bear, the power of prayer, and passing the word, videos, and your excellent ministry around, and thank you bear nation, You all ROCK!!! Shalome, and Maranatha. stay safe.

  12. I am not for war, but has the weak generation not studied WWII? This is how real war is fought. It's nasty and lots of people die. What do you think is going to happen if they clap off some nukes? We will be watching our loved ones melt alive. The weak generation is going to get us all killed.

  13. Russian was testing NATO with that missile attack on Poland. To see how they would react. NATO correctly de-escalated by pretending it was a "Ukraine air-defense missile." Russia wants to pull the WEST into a real war. We are trying to avoid that…

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