Top Moments Mad Crocodile Great War With Proud Lion | Animal Fights

Top Moments Mad Crocodile Great War With Proud Lion | Animal Fights
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H001. Top Moments Mad Crocodile Great War With Proud Lion | Animal Fights
In the world of wildlife, the Lion is considered one of the most violent animals on land. Have you ever seen these two wild animals fighting each other up close? Here’s a look at the top moments of the Crocodile vs the arrogant Lion!
1. Crocodile and Lion fight on the shore
A Crocodile is hiding in the dust
A lion discovered it
The presence of a lion made the crocodile become aggressive
The whole herd of lions could not stand to watch, rushed to bite the crocodile
The crocodile then left with some wounds

Before our eyes is a herd of lions passing by
Unfortunately, they passed by where the crocodile was hiding under the sand
Fortunately, the lion that was attacked managed to dodge the fatal bite
Two lions attack back, the crocodile is also not medium
They made the dust become foggy
Both sides were cautious, and fortunately, the great battle between the crocodile and the proud lion did not happen.

A herd of lions discovered crocodiles at the riverbank
They call more flocks
The lions seem to have nothing to fear
They are quite cautious, guarding each other
They frantically rushed to bite each other
Seeing that I was weak, the crocodile ran away and dived into the water
If it stays, it will probably be defeated by these fierce lions

2. Crocodiles attack when lion swims across river
In front of the lion is a stream of calm and protected as if there is no danger
And now! Occurrence of risk
It browser runs to the beach to avoid the attack of other crocodiles

In front of the two lions is a small river
The river looks peaceful but contains a lot of dangers
And they are also very careful before crossing the river
From afar, the crocodile detected the appearance of those 2 lions
The lion seems to have fit inside the crocodile’s sharp teeth
The other lion was afraid of the danger of the crocodile, so he turned and ran away
Looks like it made the right choice. If it stayed, it might die just like the other one

The lion slowly swims across the river
Crocodile dives and hides in the river waiting for an opportunity
The lion was targeted and was attacked madly
Fortunately, they successfully got ashore and escaped

The lion lying on the shore is very proud
It’s subjectively crossing the river without taking any precautions
The crocodile suddenly rushed to attack
The proud lion almost paid the price for his arrogance

A herd of lions swim together across a small river
The last one was attacked
A precise punch to the stomach
Lion still can’t calm down after the death phase just now.

00:00 Top moments
01:07 Crocodile and lion fighting on the shore
02:57 Crocodile with lion fighting underwater
05:59 Crocodile and lion fighting for food
07:24 The end

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#animals #crocodile
#wildlife #lion


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About the Author: Admin


  1. 時々私たちが目にするものは悲惨で胸が張り裂けるものですが、それは自然の法則であり、それを変えるべきではありません

  2. Crazy to think there are places on this planet where if you get too close to the water a monster jumps out and pulls you into the water and you are never seen again. crocodile great war great

  3. It is the final battle of the two ultimate predators. But I've never seen a crocodile great war but the proud lion died. maybe I'll see it in your next video. thank

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