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Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
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Mumei goes up to Grandma: "It was you! You were the Evil Resident, all along!"
U might like shadow corridor
If you liked this one, I'm sure you'll love RE village.
Vtubers are just Muppets for weebs.
Mumei there are silent internal oil heaters that don't make noise like a normal space heater for when you're streaming. They're mobile.
Congrats on beating RE7 Mumei! Would love to watch ya play other RE games. My personal recommendations would be RE8, RE1 Remake, RE2 Remake, and definitely RE4.
Moom beat the ghost girl!
2:21:21 FAQ
Thanks for the stream!
When you came back and opened your eyes wide, they looked like a jumpscared lol
Congratulations on finishing the game, Mumei!
The game was hilarious, you kept the cool and fun side for a long time
Indeed, coffee is the best. I had never mixed soda into it, but I did see those soda cans. A coffee recommendation would be to make hazelnut coffee or a loaded coffee.
Thank you for the stream Mumei~
Good job Mumei! On the surface you weren't terrified, but while rewatching the old VoDs I did catch you saying "oh!" like you mentioned. Definitely a fun time
Precut bread dry out faster which is why our bread often is uncut, and you can buy small versions of bread cutters for your home around the size of a toaster roughly 🙂
Best RE7 playthrough!
Mumei: pfft, not my kid.
Eva: silly 😀
Mumei: I love her! 😀
Thank you for the fun stream Mumei 🤎🤎🤎 and Congratulations on beating the game 🎊🎉🎉
Thank you for the fun stream!!
Thank you for the stream Mumei !
Grats on clearing the game! I really enjoyed your playthrough, would love to see you play Village sometime. Thanks for the stream Mumei
Congrats Mooms on completing your first RE game. It was very entertaining watching you be silly with every character, you are really good at making your playthrough fun and exciting. Hopefully you do get permission to play the other RE games, would be nice to see you continue.
Congrats Mumei for finishing RE7!
its a fun stream! Thanks for today ~
The way Mumei handles horror is the best.
Thank you for the awesome final Resident Evil 7 stream and congratulations for beating Evelyn, Mumei!
Thanks for the stream Mooms. Congrassulayshuns on clearing the game!
congratulations on beating and completing your first resident evil!
you actually did it! 👏
we truly enjoyed your series of streams for this RE playthrough, it’s a banger!
i had a looot of fun today in this finale stream! it’s totally a skill non-issue wink wink.
you’re amazing with the guns and bombs, and being extra hilarious today too.
there’s just so many best moments throughout the stream, the evil residents and ghost girl definitely tried their best to keep up.
you’re unstoppable lmao XD
kept questioning myself which one’s scarier, them or you
you definitely have the better evil laugh
thank you, from the start until the end your playthrough has been great fun!
Congrats on clearing the game! It was fun watching a full playthrough!
Whether you decide to play the sequel to this game (Village) or go back to the first game and see what good old 3rd person RE was like I'd love to see more
Congrats on beating RE Look forward to the others in the series if you go for em.