Rare unrest in Chinese city of Guangzhou as people protest over Covid restrictions

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Protesters poured out onto the streets of the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou in a rare demonstration against strict Covid-19 restrictions. 
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Video circulating on social media showed crowds of people marching through the Haizhu district, breaking Covid barriers in noisy scenes. Cases have also been rising in other large Chinese cities, including Beijing, Chongqing and Zhengzhou. China still operates a policy of strict lockdowns and quarantines even after small outbreaks, which it says are necessary for public safety. 

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About the Author: Guardian News


  1. I’m shocked that even with the “magic mask” mandates covid rages through their cities. “Follow the science” cough cough

  2. the long term strategy seems to disconnect Chinese economy from global economy and trade only with friendly countries via BRI/ modern silk route..with final conquest to invade Taiwan militarily so that it can flex its muscle in Pacific ocean and challenge US Navy…also western sanctions don't have any impact on its economy…

  3. 没想到这么多人关心中国人?我想问问你们 你们是希望中国自己内部动乱, 自己人搞自己人吧?那么你们可能要失望了,中国人都是从穷苦日子过来的,知道现在的生活多么的来之不易,另外我们对我们自己政府,表达任何的不满, 那也是我们自家的事情,还轮不到你们一副假惺惺的样子关心中国人,因为你们的关心只会让我们自己内部瓦解掉,另外针对民主问题,给你们推荐一本书 那里你们可能会找到中国民主的答案,马凯硕的《中国的选择》

  4. Protest all you want. You are unarmed. You will comply. We will send military with tanks and guns. Remember Tianamen square protest.

  5. Is the covid in China different from the one we had in South Africa cause now everyone is free we don't test anymore, we did not even take vaccines most of us😂

  6. If there are Chinese ethnic groups more likely to revolt, they would be Cantonese and Hakka people. History doom to repeats itself…eventually.

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