10 of the Freakiest Alleged Poltergeists Caught on Video

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Uh oh, ghost footage; get ready for some horrible quality cameras. From plates being thrown off tables, to shopping carts pushing themselves, here are 10 of the freakiest and most intriguing alleged poltergeists caught on video that I could find.

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About the Author: Mr. Nightmare


  1. We are intelligent. We like to help our fellow men. But we are at times perplexed as to the supernatural. Of only all ghost hunters would see that the body is a living soul. And there are no woman or children among the spirit world. And why do they frighten so many. If you do mot nor ever had met the spirit in life.?.

  2. I love telling this story. The way the house was set up at my dad's where at the end of the hallway were me and my sisters rooms on either side and the bathroom next to her room. One time I was going to my room and saw my dogs tail disappear into the bathroom. She likes to drink out of the toilet and so I went to surprise her and ask what she was doing. When I got to the door there wasn't anybody in there. No dogs, no nothing

  3. Why so many of these security camera footage aren't the footage itself, but the monitor showing it being filmed? Suspect. You'd imagine people having such footage would do their damnedest to download the original, preserving the quality.

  4. 11:14 IS TOTALLY REAL…. There's no way ALL OF THAT CAN BE FAKED. There would have to literally be strings every where and someone to pull them, which would be visible in the video. Plus some of those things were literally throw in upwards motions

  5. Oh man all the naysayers in the comments… ghosts are electromagnetic phenomena, they sense every electronic device. Believe me they KNOW when they are filmed, the can easily make cameras and phones die if you want to film them. Look at the disturbance in the footage where the table is thrown at the woman. The Footage that exist does so because the ghosts want us to see it. Also people forget that the internet is not a free space where you can upload anything without getting checked. The NSA surveills the complete internet traffic for a reason: to control the narrativ about reality.

  6. The 2nd one (number 2, in the kitchen) is from the channel of an English guy, it's called mellowb1rd from memory, not sure if I got it exactly right! I remember watching his videos and he's got a lot of stuff going on. Most isn't outrageous and I don't know how he puts up with it or has probably switched to paper plates. In a video like the one shown here, it couldn't be strings, there's too many things going in different directions. They'd get tangled in 10 seconds. Don't know what's real in any of them, human interference is always more likely than a ghost, but some are more believable.

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