Footage of the Dallas air show accident: crash of B-17 Flying Fortress and the P-63 Kingcobra. The B-17 Flying Fortress, also known as the Flying Fortress, and the P-63 Kingcobra were two World War II-era aircraft that crashed during a fly-by at the Dallas air show on November 12, 2022. This footage is difficult to watch, but it’s important to share it to help prevent future accidents.
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bro right behind the mcdonalds sign 🥲
Did someone actually say at the end "was that supposed to happen"? Um no, that wasn't a part of the show ma'am.
Jets debis? What jet? There was no jet involved in the crash. Amateur video.
Please,…….let’s all be honest with each other,……this is the real reason we all go to air shows,…….to see a crash. Next story please,…..no news here.
This happens way too often at air shows. Not good. Probably be a good idea to not fly so many planes in such close proximity.
AMAZING listening to some OBVIOUSLY completely SENCELESS woman at 2:02 – "was that supposed to happen??" YEA, SWEETIE, they planned it from the very beginning-
As tragic as this is. An investigation is necessary, not just to find who made a mistake but to put fourth new airshow safety guidelines
Did he say jets debris?
The pilots reckless action endangered innocent viewers on the ground.
Jak tomu někdo může dát like? Dva nenahraditelný stoje a sedm lidí v prachu 🙁
Americans fought for globalist bankers and now Africans and Mexicans get to record their planes crashing at airshows.
I hope they learned a major lesson from this not to let bold people fly old planes reenacting stuff that they weren't involved in
Old people flying old planes what did you expect I'm sorry but stupid they should have stayed on the ground
The P- 63 is making a last second attempt to make a sharp left turn 180 degrees to avoid collision.
Condolences to the families of the victims😥😥😥😥
Great video thank u
He just couldn't see . Sad . Rip
It looked like the smaller plane dived into the larger plane
Y it look like that one intentionally flew into the other
Царство им небесное..
I was there I was literally driving past I saw the planes flying in a circle we got up on an overpass and saw a fire a few minutes later my daughter got the info from google GOD Keep them
The video calls them "jets.:
How unfortunate and tragic, I hope the agencies that oversee these events understand what the problem is. Planes designed for specific tasks at specific heights, in none of the cases were these planes designed with viewing angles to fly so close to the ground and so close to other planes at different heights, rather than human or pilot error, it is an error interpretation of the limitations of these aircraft and consequently a poor planning of the flight plan of the entire event.
P-63 had a very sharp turn speed … and then "slipped" toward B-17 … They died in the environment and the work they liked most !!!!
RIP, pilots. My thoughts and condolences to your families and friends.
What has been going on at airshows lately there was also a crash at and airshow in zimbabwe about 2 months ago
Cobra pilot got careless. Not much else to say.
Incompetent management if both of these planes were allowed to be at the same altitude in this maneuver. Need to stop all airshows and put safety as the priority. A moat needs to be around the moat of safety.