Horrifying Near-Death Experiences

Horrifying Near-Death Experiences
Spread The Viralist

These trips caused these people to have a near-death experience. These are pretty crazy, but just goes to show how careful you have to be.

The Suicide Hotline has updated their number to just be 988. I do believe you can still use the other number, but 988 is much quicker! https://988lifeline.org/talk-to-someone-now/ or


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#horrorstories #scarystories #NDE

STORY #1: https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=99675

STORY #2: https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=100411

STORY #3: https://www.erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=86293

STORY #4: https://erowid.org/experiences/exp.php?ID=81128



00:00 – Socials/Intro

00:51 – I Realized That I Was Going to Die (25i-NBOMe)

10:31 – Near Death Experience (Beer & Procyclidine)

14:49 – Trip Keeper Interlude

15:12 – Near Death? A Carbogen Experience Gone Awry (Carbogen)

23:30 – Near Death (Oxymorphone)

27:42 – Outro


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About the Author: Tales From The Trip!


  1. Probably OD'd, alcohol. We had a bottle of roughly 65‰ plum brandy at home. I liked the burning sensation of the alcohol going down my throat and I enjoy the effects of it. In the span of three hours, I drank almost the entire bottle of 0,7 liters. Mind that I am not an experienced drinker, so this was such a stupid move to make. I felt a great buzz for around 1.5 hours you get from drinking alcohol. I also did stupid shit many situational drinkers do, like having the great desire to open the messenger app and write incoherency in the group chat. I decuded it'd be funny to open up games and try playing them under the influence. Midway through, I felt as if I was losing control. My breathing became slower, the ends of my fingers were tingling, I felt dread in my chest, I was close to passing out. I was scared for my health. I lied down on the grond and I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I was too tired to even move. I stood and sat on the sofa and started puking on the floor. That's when my parents came and brought a bucket. I think I threw up everything that was inside my stomach, including that devil's substance. I had a mild day long hangover after that. But those 30 minutes felt like hell. I wasn't sure if I was going to survive. The worst thing about it is that the effects don't come immediately, so you think that you need to drink more, but you don't, and when it all comes snowballing at you, you can only pray. You can always take more, but you can never take less. I don't feel disgust towards alcohol. I still enjoy it as much as I did before this experience. But I have way more respect towards this drug. It's no joke. Don't fuck with alcohol.

  2. I almost died once from an opium overdose (first time) snd it was horrific. I died at my friends house and then woke up in the ambulance screaming because I thought I was being abducted.

  3. I am personally fucking offended that this dudes dopeman, fucking sold this twit 30mg of probably fake oxy, that was 25i. I guarantee you homie didnt take 28mg, but either way, this is a mixup that does NOT happen with half responsible junkies. What the FUCK dude. What the FUCK.

  4. Hey man. Don’t know if you’ll see this comment but I’ve been struggling lately and your vids help me relax after school and work. Just something nice and comfortable too chill out too after a long day. Keep it up broski!

  5. I thought I had my fair share of experiences of all kinds of stuff but the substances mentioned on this channel I have NEVER heard of… especially these chemical compound – are these like sold in smoke shops or bodegas? And if not I wonder how people find out about these drugs. Like do you take a trip to your neighborhood dealer and he says “I got this N2Ob69 you wanna try it?” Lol It kinda makes me feel old at 42., 5 years sober tho. Recreation turns into addiction be careful folks – everyone says that they won’t get addicted but it happens right under your nose, no pun intended.

  6. i overdosed on ecstasy, so many weird hallucinations and physical sensations happened. a lot of physical pain as well. i wish i could send in my story but my phone restarts itself a lot for no reason, so when i have a new phone i will write it down on reddit

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