I saw the before and after videos on telegram. CONFIRMED. Ukrainians killed Russians
This sounds very similar to a story that emerged in the early months of '22. My feeling was that, in that instance, that it had substance primarily because of the way it was fact checked. That is one of the few uses mainstream media has. For the most part, taken at face value, it is utterly meaningless.
If I was a Russian leader and knew me and my soldiers were going to be murdered i would request from my side a humane request: BROKEN ARROW and annihilated the entire contingent of the enemy while still fighting the enemy in hand to hand combat. You fight bitterly like King Leonidas and the 300.
They killed the so called collaborators in Bucha and layed the blaim on Russia.These NAZIS should be annihilated.
there was Russian and LPR in they uniforms. They was laying on the ground and Ukrainians walking around them after there drone filming those same guys laying whit visible head shot wounds and pools of blood around heads.
At least 3 times I have seen this 😢, but the moral is don't surrender to Ukrainians, hopefully Russians will fight harder.. they are brave soldiers 👍
From day one Ukraine has been doing that.they even execute who they call collaborators.many war crimes are commited by Ukraine army.
Putin is mass killer and war criminal ! Putin = Hitler !!
This is -OUTRAGEOUS!!!
BS 🙂 Why Orcs are there in the firs place? ..so you come in to my house rub me kill me etc and what values fuck values
So is that a war crime ? NATO and America will say no . But if Russia did it then it is a war crime. The video is clear and identifiable on both sides. They are so confident of media protection from the west they videoed themselves.
Too much preamble and palaver around a nasty war crime that is neither new nor surprising from a bunch of hardened criminals brain-washed into rabid hatred. Just state the facts from MORE THAN ONE SOURCE and let viewers draw their own conclusions.
We never had this in any western media. They kept quiet like normal. Even there was a video of a captured russian soldier being burnt alive by the Ukrainians. It was so emotional. I can never wish that to my worst enemy. But again nothing. May GOD grant Russia a quick victory over these bandits.
Well, the Russians should executed 10 Ukrainians for each Russian serviseman, this it will stop ukranians …..if I was in charge , of the Russian forces, I will make it a standard, 10 Ukrainians, for every Russian solder …..
Human nature is not an excuse for this kind of behavior. It's not that all soldiers are engaging in this kind of crimes, it usually is just a small faction and even the fact that the other side engages in these atrocities is not an excuse to do the same. There is no justification for killing of POW's who surrendered, no matter what the context is. Anyone who engages in these atrocities should be tried and convicted, no matter on which side they are fighting. Fact that they are filming it and posting it on social media only demonstrates the despicable nature and a total lack of respect for human life of these individuals.
Against Ukraine speaks, that they have done it before, filmed it and put it on the net, I have seen torture Videos (until death) and the kneecap shooting of POW. Or this guy: Gennadiy Druzenko, 49, head of a war zone mobile hospital in Eastern Ukraine, said he instructed his medical staff to "castrate captured Russian soldiers" because they are "cockroaches, not people". the Interview was deleted, but …
Russia don't let any Ukraine become a prisoner exterminat exterminate when you fre the animals they will come back with more venom
Ukrainian soldiers are ruthless devils.
Because everything that comes out from the western mouths — is a fuckn lie. Everything.
Criminal Nazis !!!
If the war crimes was committed by the Russians, The Western World Television media would show this to the whole world.. These war crimes are committed by Ukraine the world television media will stay quiet.
Slava Ruski!
This is a lesson for the Russian Side. NEVER SURRENDER.
Fight till the last men for these Urk N@ZIs won't show mercy and humanity.
Watch the video in telegram – link in channel – Саня во Флориде, you will have no doubt…
I saw the before and after videos on telegram. CONFIRMED. Ukrainians killed Russians
This sounds very similar to a story that emerged in the early months of '22. My feeling was that, in that instance, that it had substance primarily because of the way it was fact checked. That is one of the few uses mainstream media has. For the most part, taken at face value, it is utterly meaningless.
If I was a Russian leader and knew me and my soldiers were going to be murdered i would request from my side a humane request: BROKEN ARROW and annihilated the entire contingent of the enemy while still fighting the enemy in hand to hand combat. You fight bitterly like King Leonidas and the 300.
They killed the so called collaborators in Bucha and layed the blaim on Russia.These NAZIS should be annihilated.
there was Russian and LPR in they uniforms. They was laying on the ground and Ukrainians walking around them after there drone filming those same guys laying whit visible head shot wounds and pools of blood around heads.
At least 3 times I have seen this 😢, but the moral is don't surrender to Ukrainians, hopefully Russians will fight harder.. they are brave soldiers 👍
From day one Ukraine has been doing that.they even execute who they call collaborators.many war crimes are commited by Ukraine army.
Putin is mass killer and war criminal ! Putin = Hitler !!
This is -OUTRAGEOUS!!!
BS 🙂 Why Orcs are there in the firs place? ..so you come in to my house rub me kill me etc and what values fuck values
So is that a war crime ? NATO and America will say no . But if Russia did it then it is a war crime. The video is clear and identifiable on both sides. They are so confident of media protection from the west they videoed themselves.
Too much preamble and palaver around a nasty war crime that is neither new nor surprising from a bunch of hardened criminals brain-washed into rabid hatred. Just state the facts from MORE THAN ONE SOURCE and let viewers draw their own conclusions.
We never had this in any western media. They kept quiet like normal. Even there was a video of a captured russian soldier being burnt alive by the Ukrainians. It was so emotional. I can never wish that to my worst enemy. But again nothing. May GOD grant Russia a quick victory over these bandits.
Well, the Russians should executed 10 Ukrainians for each Russian serviseman, this it will stop ukranians …..if I was in charge , of the Russian forces, I will make it a standard, 10 Ukrainians, for every Russian solder …..
Human nature is not an excuse for this kind of behavior.
It's not that all soldiers are engaging in this kind of crimes, it usually is just a small faction and even the fact that the other side engages in these atrocities is not an excuse to do the same.
There is no justification for killing of POW's who surrendered, no matter what the context is.
Anyone who engages in these atrocities should be tried and convicted, no matter on which side they are fighting.
Fact that they are filming it and posting it on social media only demonstrates the despicable nature and a total lack of respect for human life of these individuals.
Against Ukraine speaks, that they have done it before, filmed it and put it on the net, I have seen torture Videos (until death) and the kneecap shooting of POW. Or this guy:
Gennadiy Druzenko, 49, head of a war zone mobile hospital in Eastern Ukraine, said he instructed his medical staff to "castrate captured Russian soldiers" because they are "cockroaches, not people". the Interview was deleted, but …
Russia don't let any Ukraine become a prisoner exterminat exterminate when you fre the animals they will come back with more venom
Ukrainian soldiers are ruthless devils.
Because everything that comes out from the western mouths — is a fuckn lie. Everything.
Criminal Nazis !!!
If the war crimes was committed by the Russians, The Western World Television media would show this to the whole world.. These war crimes are committed by Ukraine the world television media will stay quiet.
Slava Ruski!
This is a lesson for the Russian Side.
Fight till the last men for these Urk N@ZIs won't show mercy and humanity.
Watch the video in telegram – link in channel – Саня во Флориде, you will have no doubt…