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One day, a stray dog that’s been wandering for a while in this town appeared with a cone. Because of the cone, he’s struggling to eat properly and thinning. While we were wondering who would’ve coned a stray dog, a lady comes up and claims that it was her who coned the dog. Watch the story of the stray dog and the lady!
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Thank u so much for handling with so much care this stray animals. I salute all ur dedication and hardwork. Keep safe everyone and God bless
This beautiful baby deserves a loving home. I hope someone adopts him soon. 😇
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💙❤💙❤💙❤🐶💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤💙❤God bless you all!!!❤💙🧡❤💙🧡❤💙🧡🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Poor Khambo. Hope he leads a healthy and happy life
Thousand thanks for helping animals God bless you all
Hope the dog is safe and happy forever, thank you
Be happy kambo….
C’est dommage que Kambo qui lui a ouvert son cœur soit placé chez des inconnus. Un chien n’accorde pas sa confiance à tout le monde, surtout si il a déjà été abandonné auparavant 😔. Mais bravo Kritter pour le sauvetage et merci à la demoiselle de le soigner 🙏❤️
Thank you for sharing this beautiful video. A lot of people care for the beautiful doggie. Please keep him.
8:55 ‘it was good why it lasted’ look😂❤❤. Bless him & his new mom. Good luck 🤞
sooooo happy ….live happy healthy life Sweetheart
The guardian is sooo caring~
I hope Kkambo lives safely and happily~👍
Thank you for sharing this video~🤗
Gracias a todas las vecinas por ayudar a Kambo !!👏👏👏. Gracias al entrenador Lee Chang-Jon👏👏👏 . Espero que tenga una vida sana, feliz y que encuentre un/a adoptante amorosa/o cuando se recupere 🙏❤🤗🇦🇷
Wow this poor pups been through so much x_x
Dios bendiga y guarde a estas personas por ayudar a este precioso 🐕😘😘🙏🙏💞💕♥️
God bless Animal Behaviorist Mr. LEE CHAN-JONG! He is so knowledgeable about Animal behaviors! He truly loves All Animals! I'm so grateful to Kkambo's guardian that is helping him have a good, happy life! 🥰
I hope he finds a good home.
Obrigado amigo por ajudar esse cachorro que Deus te abençoe hoje e sempre 😯🐶🐶👏👏👏