"THIS IS WHY the Internet Exists" – Destination Perfect (Vol. 6)

"THIS IS WHY the Internet Exists" - Destination Perfect (Vol. 6)
Spread The Viralist

Here’s me commentary on Destination Perfect (Vol. 6). Use the code “perfect” on https://ozzymanshop.com for a sweet 20% Black Fridee discount this week. Cheers!


1. Juggling (@broken_juggler) https://tinyurl.com/2r89v8cd
2. Oktoberfest (@annadbmr) https://tinyurl.com/yvkw7tme
3. Chair! (@instructor_bense) https://tinyurl.com/49atzpy3
4. Referee (@ellie.powell) https://tinyurl.com/4946mexv
5. Flippy (@axellhodges) https://tinyurl.com/2p8e2mv6
6. Flippies (Demi Bagby) https://tinyurl.com/ywdm348h
7. Flippy Spinny (@colognebombs) https://tinyurl.com/u7b73zm8
8. Eye (@bsmachinist) https://tinyurl.com/yb57e82r
9. Brazier (@pariskk15) https://tinyurl.com/yah2byfa

Music via Audio Network.


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About the Author: Ozzy Man Reviews


  1. Ozzyman, you're my cure for depression!! You're a fucking legend and you make an impact on my life. I'm grateful for your videos and grateful that I can always LMFAO watching and rewatching Destination F**ked videos your channel. Currently I'm watching your GOT reviews and it's fakking brilliant!! Thank you so much for all the hard work and attention to detail. I'm about to start my own YouTube channel reading fairy tales with a twisted sense of humour. You're an inspiration and keep up the fantastic work!

  2. Ted Nugent concert, 10th row right in front, flipped a US Army Special Forces coin hoping it would land on the stage and Ted would see it. Turns out it bounced off his guitar and landed in the palm of his pic hand, he stopped playing and said to the crowd, "Brother, I don't know who you are but that was an amazing pitch"! Ted got and kept the coin! Perfect!

  3. My only complaint is i wish ozzy man videos where a hour long. Can like discovery channel or like HBO, some crap get ahold of this dude and make animal planet lenght videos..maybe like netflix, anyone that gives me 30 to 60mins of this dudes shit talking random crap regularly will be a national hero..

  4. Lolol…”Old mate Salmon Shorts”… Only a f#€king Aussie could come up with that nickname so fluidly. You’re a legend, Aussie Man. Proud to call you a countryman!
    Rob, Tasmania

  5. super awesome eye. would be bad in fog or rain, as a lightsource for those conditions works better when further away from the eye-line, hence the distant placement of vehicle fog lamps.

  6. Mr ozzy man could you put together a flippy spinny spready to the gods compilation so I have something to smile at when it's my last day on earth when it comes please 👍

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