![Football FARK Ups [FEAT. @IShowSpeed] - Ozzy Man Reviews](https://www.theviralist.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Football-FARK-Ups-FEAT-@IShowSpeed-Ozzy-Man-Reviews-818x490.jpg)
Here’s me commentary on some of the greatest football fark ups I’ve seen. Anyone pumped for World Cup 2022 or can’t be stuffed? Cheers! MERCH: https://ozzymanshop.com
Here’s me commentary on some of the greatest football fark ups I’ve seen. Anyone pumped for World Cup 2022 or can’t be stuffed? Cheers! MERCH: https://ozzymanshop.com
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The World Cup always gets me hyped! Not even from Australia, but i'm glad it has a legit chance to advance from the GroupStage! Good luck to all "Kangaroo and Koala" lovely people! <3
Security guard is level 100 cock blocker.
Get that sheila off the pitch!!
At around 0:46 seconds…is that Dirk Nowitzki?
Humans are 100% more funnier than animals. They never stop to over amaze me.
The security guard was doing his job, and the player should have stepped off the field of play to propose, but the guard probably didn't need to shove the girl like that. She wasnt doing anything aggressive or behaving irrationally. But I know the sorts of assholes stadium security deal with so I wouldnt hold it against him. I hope the player didn't try to get the guard in trouble.
As for her stepping onto the field, she saw her boyfriend on his knee with a ring box and she did what a lot of girlfriends would do and tried to get closer to him. I doubt she even realized she crossed the line until she got yeeted.
Everyone ignored the furious referee, dude was about to murder those dudes and they probably deserve that
Lmfao. Kids just standing there waiting for the ball to enter play again. Next thing he knows …….BAM! DESTINATION FUCKED! I laughed way too damned hard at that
ol one hit wonder over here thinks hes funny
Australia does not even respect human right for its own people
Plot twist: the security guy is her father
Women are not to play but to cook
Laborers die at a lot of construction projects . In America an average of 1000 laborers die every year in construction nobody is crying for them. Get off you're high horses. How many aborigines have been killed so you can call that land Australia and your country. Hypocrites.
Scott Sterling videos seem real now.
Hey OzzyNan Your team the Socceroos won today… Congrats
This brainless animal is also spreading hate against Qatar ! 80% of the world saw you guys as worse than animals
Football.. The sport where ladies act more like men than men themselves. 😛
Nah Man using my wife account here but i Tell you, do not push womans like that, Sorry
Hand claps for that guard. Trying to stop a future divorce for that young man
3:08 lol
Who knows?…..the security guard could have be trying to save him from years of pain, and untold amounts of money settled in court.
Scot Sterling!!!
V@gina looking stadium
😂😂😂😂😂Bro I don't knw where u get these lines from