Ukraine Caught in Tough Spot in Kherson After Russia Withdrawal | Russia Ukraine War
The retreat of Russian forces in Kherson was seen as a big blow to President Vladimir Putin’s plans as the war in Ukraine enters its ninth month. For Ukraine and President Zelensky, regaining the western bank of the Dnipro river, was celebrated as a milestone. Given how battered Ukraine’s infrastructure is thanks to heavy Russian shelling, Ukrainians’ misery is just about to begin. Watch to know more
Ukraine Kherson | Russia Ukraine War | Kherson | Russia Retreat Kherson | Ukraine Electricity Crisis | Ukraine | Putin | Zelensky | Latest News | Firstpost
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BNB Productions
Russia is playing Sun Tzu, Ukraine is play goodfellows
Zellinski has destroyed Ukraine with cheerleaders America and NATO
If Zelensky was a real leader he would go to Moscow and get executed and spare his fellow country men women and children this misery.
Zelensky is poor leader trying to hold on to his ego at the expenses of the Ukraine citizens. Instead of putting his ego aside and pushing for talks with Putin to end this war, he still wants to fight and thinks he can still win against Russia with weapons he doesn't have and dependng on those given to him. Its time he should know when to quit and cut his losses regardless of the outcome. I feel sad for the Ukraine people under his poor leadership but he only has himself to blame for this war since he already knew what was going to unfold years ago if he insist on joining NATO.
Ukranians where fooled into this mess.
Kherson is designated target area when the Russian withdraw, Jelensky forgot what happened to Napoleon and Hiyler.
What Ukranians need to do is peace talk and tell NATO, US and allies to backoff. They are the one's that got them to where Ukranians are right now. Corrupted politicians will destroy a whole country. Here is a perfect example for all you corrupted billionaires , politicians specially Zalensky, NATO US and allies that are war hawks sacrifying civilian lives for what?
Give away the weapons in exchange for generator
Russia mean bully . Murdering, raping, bombing, attacking civilians.
Putin will never succeed. But there are people who hope Putin the butcher will win.
Xi and Putin will lose.
As someone from Kiev, living in USA for over 20 years, I'm not even allowing myself to feel anything or I will not be able to take care of my family.
I remember the World Health Organization and Democrats in China opened the doors to high COVID…
Imagine the idea of Joe Biden has been promoting a Locust.
Winter is coming and the real war will start!! God Bless Wagner Group
God help us
The next time you wage war against Russia, think twice. The US doesn't care about anyone except themselves & the profit they can make. Think twice
When the MS media pretends it understands military tactics
Very smart tactical move,think Putin's outplayed zelensky and NATO.its going to be a harsh winter for ukraine
I am a proud Indian but I don't the way she is reporting , I mean totally bias….
Ukro-Jew Aligarch puppet Z clown🤡 is very good at playing his puppet role in brainwashing Ukranian people
Putin is very clever…he feels like the zhaporizia nuclear power plant may explode and kill his men so he plays safe by keeping them away…I'm I overthinking?
Actually the media framed it as a Russian defeat, but theres only a slim chance that Ukraine will keep the city or the country. It’s just military reality. They cannot win. The city only will be destroyed and their forces annihilated. Negotiations need to happened to resolve the crisis.
And the Joker from Ukraine does not want to end the war.
Thanx nato thanx us thanx europe to destroy this culture….leaf east euope alone…hands off
Kerala state communist licker
Russia president doesn’t have human feelings. What will he gain from this senseless war. What will be his joy for inflicting pain on ordinary citizens of Ukraine