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Ich liebe es, diese Videos zu sehen xD auch wie hältst du dein Familienleben mit youtube zusammen? schau gerne auch mal bei mir vorbei https://youtu.be/0cX7j_ln368
in at number three you put 4 LOL
You could tell 4. Was red barring.. another walmart connection guys
Number 3 Bubble Boy – Enraged Cinema (Prodigy)
I don't think the Titan in #3 was aware of what he did
the last clip, there's so many hammers
that number 3 doe
#3 is way too long
am i the only one who cant hear dpj at all
Dont you think its time for an intro change?
i dont get #3
YEAH FIRESTAR never use that again
I would be pissed if that happened to my fireteam and I at number 3
He skipped from 4 to 2
1 had me crying
3. 😂
fucking Titans @ #3
I can't send it to you dpj hellp
I cry because he didn't add my fail
I like your videos better when your hideous voice is not in it. Learn how to talk
Whenever I see a fish of panic, I usually just sit there unless I'm in my super….
Who else does that?
If the number three guy was in my fireteam i would get so fucking pissed
#3 and #1 😂
f u weak, usual.
The best part of #1 is that he almost got that kill at the end
I love how this channel is a fucking joke, 5 happens all the time, three was not a fail it was the team being too stupid to move in front of the bubble
#4 was hilarious 🙂 haha I kinda thought it wuld be higher up, atleast above #3
I just got the last word today
You mean number for
Wow #3 gave me a good trolling idea
ajjjjaajajajaja loool the first xd
Whoever put that bubble down in the raid probably got kicked xD
lmao I was in #3 with my friend David. (I'm Weight he's Soot). And we did end up kicking him
number 3 was fuckin awesome
Lol Number 3 was the best
Don't tell us what happens in the fails😂😂But keep up the good content
#3 was way to long
#3 was a waist of time
i create a new channel..watch that
DPJ-Daily Destiny & More hey can u do a giveaway for one rise of iron dlc, it's not tht I can't afford it, it's jus I don't have enough to get it since I have 10 dollars left and I like to know if there is any possible way of wining the dlc on your channel. Thank you if u read this whole comment keep up with the great work!
who loves me
I love watching these videos xD also how do you keep your family life squashed in with youtube?
he said 3 twice
Now that's what what I would call the worst fail in the history of Destiny, I mean how in the world does someone activate a smash and land on a catapult. What's next someone is going to fly off a map after nova bombing?
#3 is awful.. oh my god it hurts
#5- noice
#4- Shouts to cammy cakes
#3- id do that lol n those names r lit
#2- damn it bungo
#1- panic slams 2 gud
he said in at number 3 twice