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Dog Baylee and Pinky the pig became the best friends. Now they do all the various mischievous things friends do: steal food, chaise each other and just hang out.
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What do you think about Pinky's and Baylee's friendship? Share in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to Cuddle Buddies for more stories like this ❤️
What an amazing story! What an amazing family! And they have a cat too. True animal lovers!!!!Pinky will get huge and you guys live in an apartment….maybe when Pinky gets huge – it will be time for you to move to the countryside where Pinky will have lots of space to dig and roam around. I love this story!! ❤Amazing Family!❤
So adorable! But Pinky is going to get super big! Too bad they can’t stay little forever! We had friends who had a pig. “Little” guy loved snuffling my shoelaces as he grew! And boy did he grow! But you can’t stop loving them! And pigs are so clever! Give Pinky and Baylee cuddles from me!💗❤️
I love how your husband calls pinky when she grabs something from the fridge😂😂😂😂😂😂great job baylee🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Adorable ♥️
I sooo love Pigs & wish I could rescue Pigs & puppers. Unfortunately my wish will only be a wish. You guys have many happy & healthy years ahead together ❣🐾🐷❣🐾🐷
What a cute story 😍 💖 💕
Sooooo cute ❤❤❤
cute, but Pinkey is gonna get bigger and bigger and bigger. pigs aren't mean for apartment living.
True partners in crime. 😂😂😂
Awww so cute.what a wonderful friendship!
OMG Pinky & Baylee are absolutely A-dorable!!! They have a beautiful bond. Thank you for giving them so much love & a wonderful home. 🥰🙏❤️🐷🐶
Two naughty little babies…but that's just how I enjoy them. Let them be who they want to be, God bless those beautiful gifts
Sweet Baylee…such adorable angels. 💕
This is the cutest friendship I have EVER seen! I love how they are partners in food crimes! A dog and a pig working together for each of the other's good. Two different species best friends and some of us humans can't even get along with our neighbors, co-workers, the stranger at the grocery store, the motorist who doesn't look like us…
So much more than just a rasher of bacon …. so very much more 😕
What a beautiful relationship, most of my life I've collected piggy ornaments it's the nearest I could get as I absolutely love pigs but my husband refused to let me have a mini pig so we had dogs instead. Pigs are so intelligent & just lovely. Thankyou this video made me smile I enjoyed watching it.💖💙🇬🇧
It didnt get too Giant
Very Cool !!!
So it's a "Dog Park?" Pinky was wondering why there were so many other dogs at the PIG park!
She’s so cute! How big will she grow? ❤
This is such a cute story.
I love your family's way with Pinky – he's in bed with you. If anyone thinks that's weird, watch Sharynzoo on YouTube. She has a 17 year old pot belly pig like Pinky who sleeps with her every night. Dog and pig combos do well. So fun to watch them interact.
Thats the first time i saw a pig swimming 😀