For copyright matters, please contact: bosstech148@gmail.com Although weddings are the most memorable and significant milestone in a person’s life,
sometimes these events become too hectic and result in an embarrassing situation. Of course,
the chain of occasions is often too long that cringe, painfully awkward, and uncomfortable things
are bound to happen. Thanks to cameras, more often than not, these slips are recorded.
Today we bring you the 20 most embarrassing wedding moments caught on camera
that owl got me hard 😀
Thank you, it was very exciting and beautiful and funny😂😂😂👍👍👍(fram Iran ) 👌❤❤
I missed the cork hitting the bridesmaid in the eye because another bridesmaid's tiddy was REALLY close to popping out.
Good videos 👍
9:11 if bride dont know how to handlee half way opened botlle of champagine, she is useless cu9t
Poor horse. Who cares about the groom
The daughters ghetto attitude and not being able to speak English just proves what a ghetto situation the whole thing is.
First case…. You’re assuming the woman in the audience isn’t a total nut job and manipulator trying to just break up the couple.
I got one for you the bride was already married to three different when she married the fourth that we know of….
Destroyed the man's family. We have no respect for the lady and lost a brother…
Bad venue very funny 😂😂😂
I'm literally on the floor laughing my ass out the couple who sat on the car got me🤣🤣🤣
Wedding of the millennium. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The best one ever was a couple toasting their marriage and the bride lost her denture in the glass and then put her teeth back in again.
My brother passed out at the altar at his wedding..
I think most of the time when grooms or groomsmen pass out is because they have a mean hangover from the Batchelor party they had the night before. They are probably dehydrated and sleep deprived
I fainted at mine. Arizona in May. No air conditioning. Candles took my oxygen not me. I waited till the outside . My friend McLean got me a chair.
Him: everyone asking why the owl was there
Me: nah I'm more asking is the Owl okay
Is the video narrated for people with visual difficulties? If not, then it's overkill. Would be better to actually watch the video rather than having it described in detail.
Oh man that wedding cake cost so much money 🫢🫢🫢🫢😰😰😰😰😰 what an awesome guy that scuba diver was-!! God bless him-!!
After seeing the one about the woman saying things at a mans wedding, Prego and saying did he take his pych meds. The Narrator/video maker agreeing that the dude had it coming is really dumb. You realize we live in a world where women think they can get away with anything and sometimes do.. did you ever once stop to think that she was lying about this man and showed up there to try in disgrace him in her wild fantasy to either get the man back or just ruin his life because she didn't get from him, what the other woman did. Men need to stop believing everything women say 80% of it is lies.
The owl being let go in a small indoor space was ridiculous. Where did that guy think the owl was going to go? duh
Pandorex on Steam
So my mom sent me to dance school as a kid so i know how to dance swing and everytime my mom finds me ata wedding or whtever i have to dance with her… but when im drunk i get a bit rough so once i almost sent my mom through a glass wall/window at a wedding … it was more then alittle embarresing
Owls are nocturnal. No wonder owl slammed into window, confused! 1) at wedding 2) daytime 3) stranger holding on to my feet!
Maybe the woman objecting to the first wedding might be pregnant but who’s is it really. 2nd wedding the business hosting should have paid for the loss. The 3rd wedding he had his knees locked, I think the driver with the bride and groom fall had also been drinking, after that wedding a groomsman locked his knees and fell, bad venue was that Florida,
I'm here from 2022
Should end up a corpse bride.
Expensive weddings made only for a woman's need for a princess day is losing traction in the world for a good reason. Just remember it will be the woman that asks for a divorce 80% of the time and she get half of all the man is worth just because she is female and if the man dares to have children he will also get a 20 year payment plan forced on him by daddy government because daddy does not want to foot the bill for a woman's constant need to have change. Wearing white has lost it's meaning as well just like the words "till death do you part" Only man truly happy is the man watching his ex get married and his payments stop and transferred to the new guy tricked into paying full price for a used woman with baggage till she decides again that she is not happy anymore again. Lots of videos of women admitting she had a good loving man but he did not earn enough for her wants and needs while she is on her phone or computer on tinder , bumble and other dating sites looking for something new and exciting while sitting at his but soon to be her home doing nothing but complain to he girlfriend feeding thoughts into her brain. Some may think my comment is wrong but statistics prove me right.
The man fainted and his wife just did nothing. That's not the wife you want for the rest of your'e life that's for shure
You Just Made My Morning. So Funny I Can’t Stop Laughing. Thanks. Xo ☮️ .
These were really good!
I just watch the most amazing live 2 min footage ever, "spiritual hippos" a must wife
Guy faints as he realises he’s just about to marry his sister.
How do you know that woman wasn’t lying about being pregnant to cause trouble, maybe she’s a psycho stalker? Lol
I like every channel this voice over guy is on!!! 👍
Groom probably fainted due to nerves or not eating, lack of sleep or all of the above. You jumped right to disease…?
They should not have a ceiling fan on with an owl flying around either. There’s a big tree in that window where did they think the owl would land?
Nobody deserves their wedding day being ruined…I feel sad for those who were cheated on
That groom that fell was drunk.
Baby suffering in pain? You shouldn't have married your cousin!