14 Amazing Animal Rescues

14 Amazing Animal Rescues
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About the Author: Awesome Animals


  1. It really warms my heart that you really like to put together these videos that help animals I really like the ones where you help kittens and horses horses are my favorite animal Also if you keep helping these animals any animals a matter of factYou'll definitely be in the good side of my book Not like you are already

  2. Don't put animals in these situations and pretend to "rescue" them. I live in a very remote area and I have moose and bears (whites) , seals and many other animals besides the usual cats and dogs. I never, not even once stumbled on one that needed to be rescued. How do you find so many of them? It's very suspicious for me. I didn't see one in my lifetime (I'm 50) that needed my assistance. Not even once. And cats all of all animals are very easily scared and won't go near something that smells like pitch or fiberglass. It's overwhelming to them and will likely scare them off.

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