A man shares his chilling experiences while working at a haunted morgue, in this clip from Season 3, Episode 2.
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From mysterious and supernatural occurrences, to extraordinary stories and investigations of the unknown, The UnXplained Zone is your portal to the paranormal. Follow the evidence, uncover the cover-ups, and discover what lies behind mankind’s greatest mysteries and the world’s strangest phenomenons.
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just love this show lots more
Who all seen the door to the right side of Clint open up by itself at the end of the video?
I dont doubt this was a terrifying experience, it took me 51 years of life to have my paranormal experience. I thought ud be afraid but what I felt was gratitude, something had shown me 100% doubtless fact that we are not alone, this is not the only plain.
Say what you will building's can keep a vibe for an eternity.
There's an mental health facility in Jasper Alabama that used to be an old hospital because I remember going there as a kid, but I had forgotten about it but because there used to be two of them one was torn down after a nurse was killed afterwards, the land contains a senior citizen center. The one that is now a mental health facility is a historical building and during a tornado warning we had to go down to the business section of the building and the section was heavy and felt awkward and later we found out it used to be the morgue. Everyone was not in a good mood knowing that.
The ghostly voice of Lucian is sweet!
If the loudmouth who was taunting the spirit was actually scratched by an unseen entity, hahaha, looks good on you. However, four marks on his back? Yeah right, nice try. If you believe that, I have some nice waterfront property at a low, low price 😅😮🤓
Mmmmm,.. haunted hause attractions. Fisrt of all, its haunted already then you made it a..hauntedhause attractions.. wht do you think it will, …
Scary 😰😰😰😰🫣
how to say the witnesses are on drugs without saying the witnesses are on drugs
I've been to the Baxter morgue. Didn't see anything I actually fell asleep on a bed
Haunted house attraction.. 🎟️🎟️💰
How could you take anything seriously in a haunted house attraction, it could be a publicity stunt coz ticket sales have dropped off to zero or someone thinking it's hilarious to pull off some jokes on you, however I do know that entities you cannot see all the time can affect solid items you can see, I was a skeptic until those 4 things happened in a few minutes, and it was daytime.