25 Animal HEROES Protecting Their Owners

25 Animal HEROES Protecting Their Owners
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25 Animal HEROES Protecting Their Owners

People often underestimate the bond that some animals have with their owners. Those animals will do anything to prevent something bad from happening to their owner, even if it puts their own lives at risk., and luckily, some of those incredible moments were caught on tape for the world to see. So today, we have compiled 25 videos of animal heroes protecting their owners.


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About the Author: ReasoningBEHIND


  1. Ma diciamo quello che vogliamo la ferrari non ha ne gli ingegnieri ne il principal ne gli stratega ne gliuomini cAmbio gomme E F F I C I E N T I per quanta amarezza resta penso sia la verita. Il signor binotto dovrebe fare la voce del lupo non dell'agnellino.

  2. I was working at 10 am in the morning and out of no where a a mountain lion jumps on me and my 2 rottweilers saved my Life they pined the mountain lion don't and almost killed it but it knocked out 1 of my rottweiler and got a way it was a young mountain lion but dangerous

    Bug: bro i'm just chilling here
    Bug: vibin

  4. Animals are just great. Love em all.
    The video of the pit bull ripping into someone is actually not a real attack it's from a group of videos where owners tested their pets to see what they would do during a home robbery. So it's kind of out of context.

  5. 0:24 this reminds me of my dog! My dad will pretend to beat on me and my dog will actually jump in between us to separate us..one time he was picking on me while I was laying down and my dog came over and put her head on my face to shield me. She is truly amazing
    6:36 excellent blocking here! It shielded her till the man too close then attacked. That is one well trained dog :]

    Edit: my dog is half German shepherd and half Australian shepherd btw! She's ironically a huge coward but still does her best to keep us safe :] I feel a little bad as I'll moving out from my parents soon and leaving her with them (they adore her and have more money to support her), she apparently gets super sad when I'm gone from home..so I guess I feel bad about moving out as she'll see me less often which'll crush her heart; she has abandonment issues and is the only pet now as the other ones are gone, I've been trying to get my parents to get her a cat friend before I leave but stuff just isn't going right in the country so money is a bit too tight for that right now with only 1 parent working (the other ones finding a job, applied for some so I hope one is accepted).

  6. As I watch this I can't help but to think how badly the human race has devolved. When our kids are in danger we pick them up as a first reaction, I'm sure a real predator charging your group will appreciate getting two for the catch of one. Weather it is a duck scarring your toddler or a lion charging you, you can fight better without a child in your arms and the kid can stand or fall on his butt safely if you are imbetween him and the threat.

  7. That first video is very relatable. My dog Barney is the sweetest. But several blacks came sniffing round my house to case it and he just turned into a demon and drove them off. He was 100% wanting to kill them

  8. Ich weiß nicht wie es in den USA ist aber in Deutschland werden Tiere rechtlich noch immer als "Sache" behandelt…Ganz erbärmlich und traurig kann ich als Deutscher dazu nur sagen…Aber die BRD ist auch nicht Deutschland…
    Die Liebe zwischen Seelentier und einem selbst kann man nicht beschreiben…Dies versteht man erst wenn man sie selbst erfährt…Dieses Gefühl ist mit nichts in der Welt vergleichbar und nicht mit der Liebe einem anderen Menschen gegenüber gleichzusetzen…
    Menschen mit einem reinen Herzen wissen wovon ich rede…

  9. 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

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