Breaking News: dog's owner died, and he was thrown down to the LA river πŸ’”

Breaking News: dog's owner died, and he was thrown down to the LA river πŸ’”
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Most people tend to think that if they die unexpectedly, their family or friends will take care of their pets, but our experience shows it’s just NOT TRUE! Please, please, please don’t leave this to a chance! #HopeForPaws teamed up with #FreeWill to enable everybody to write their own Will for FREE here: ❀️

Nico had a microchip, so we were able to figure out who his owner was, and we learned that he passed away. We were able to connect with this man’s two daughters who didn’t care about their father’s dog (they didn’t even know to tell us his name).

Imagine your dog or cat in a terrible situation like Nico’s situation and there is nothing you can do about it because you’re already gone, but just looking from above in horror! Writing a will using this system will take 20 minutes of your time, and it will give you the peace of mind you deserve. Thousands of people already created their Will, and I really hope you will do it too.

It is the holiday, so many families are together, so it’s a great time to have a conversation about it, make a plan, and then have a legally valid will in writing. I would recommend creating a backup plan as well because people’s situations do change, and I am definitely open to having Hope For Paws as a last resort – just email me, and we can definitely talk about it. I just helped a really nice man who just passed away… I will talk about him in a video that is coming up soon.

If you would like to discuss this with me, please click on “Contact us” here:

If you will start the email with “Hello Eldad” it will automatically come into my mailbox 😊

May Johnson glanced out her office window one day and saw Nico down in the L.A. River! Mike Yurchuk filmed the clip at the beginning. May called Dennis Lake to figure out a plan to get help for Nico; May called the Fire Department, and Dennis called Animal Control, but they didn’t get the help they hoped for. They saw the dog going into the tunnel (I didn’t know that when I went on this rescue), Dennis waited for a long time to see if he comes out, but he didn’t. Dennis went back to his office, looked at some satellite images to figure out how to get to the dog.

Animal Control called them back later on in the day and promised to come the next day.

The following morning, Eowyn Mishawn found Hope For Paws on YouTube and she texted me. I called her back at 9:30 A.M., by 10:00 A.M., Katie, Alex, and I were already down in the river. We had to walk about a mile to get to the area, I had a hunch he would be hiding in that tunnel because of the extreme heat, and sure enough, he was there, and so ready to be rescued 😊

Nico was adopted by Dennis’ family and it was so cool to visit him the other day, seeing him with a brand new healthy coat, and loving his new life with his new family.

To help us save more lives, please join the Hope For Paws team with a small donation:

Thank you so much!



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  1. This is the exact reason why I want my pets die before I die. Yes it's will be heartbreaking to watch them leaving this earth but it's better for them to leave first than I first. Not everyone can take care of your pets like you did and that's the reality. And if there's someone around you that can take good care of your pets after you left then it's totally luck and blessing but if not then just imagine what will happen to your petsπŸ₯Ί. I just wish if my time to leave is near, my heart didn't ask me to take adopt another pets. It's will be hard to leave them behindπŸ˜–

  2. My prayer is the evil monster that did this to the helpless grieving dog ..pays highly for their evil n lack of compassion.May u Reap what u sow May Karma find u quickly!A pathetic pos human ,so cruel to tbe core!May this poor dog find love,peace, safety.U know this dog is confused and grieving loss of his family To be treated so horrible is Evil,and justice must be done!!!!

  3. Some people make me ashamed to call them human, what they did to that beautiful little dog, they will get back ten times worse, karma is a mean bitch, this they will find out for sure. I'm so happy the doggie found another home. God is good!!

  4. Poor baby πŸ₯Ί Loses his owner and then is thrown out like trash to be all alone in such a big, scary world. Humanity really surprised me sometimes πŸ’”

  5. She didn't put up a fight she was frightened and scared sge wanted help β˜ΊοΈπŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸŒ·πŸŒΈβ­πŸŒ·πŸŒΈβ­πŸŒ·πŸŒΈπŸŒΉπŸŒ·πŸŒΈβ­πŸŒΉβœ¨βœ¨βœ¨πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

  6. Whoever did this needs to thrown there with some scraps and see how it feels in just one hour, one day. Sorry not sorry I say this….these animals are depend on humans, love them with no judgement, love on you because they sense a bad day….a best friend that will never do you wrong.

  7. a defenseless dog just thrown away like trash basically to die – despicable!!!! and how inhumane. There should be a law against animals that are abandoned – there is for abandoned children. This dog was someone's child/companion. Someone very disturbed in the head does this and I hope karma catches up with the person who did this. breaks my heart! Most abandoned animals aren't so lucky in the end like this little fella.

  8. Those who harm God's precious creatures will pay with karma in this life or the next. Do NOT think for a moment that they walk free from their CRIMES!!! Karma is NOT meant as a punishment, but as a way to help the soul understand right from wrong. Until the behaviour is corrected and repented from, that person will keep getting that lesson repeated over and over again and again, until they learn.

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