We spent the night at the OLD HOSPITAL ON COLLEGE HILL, an abandoned, haunted hospital in West Virginia. A spirit there instructed us on exactly WHERE to find it, and told us about WHY it was still in the building… and the dark secrets that the hospital still holds onto to this day. This is a scary video, and you should NOT watch it alone. You’re watching, THE PARANORMAL FILES.
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we love us some Jeff
Wow, this was amazing!!! Thank you so much for another fantastic episode!!!!💜🖤💜👻
Hey @Paranormal Files, just wanted to let you guys know that firstly I love your content here in the UK, and secondly I think that you missed a very clear voice, but I could't work out what was said. It was when you dad was telling you about a voice he had heard. The time stamp is just after 1..04..30…please listen and tell me what you think. All the very best to the two of you from me and the rest of the UK. Stay blessed.
Dude its so weird when you call your dad jeff.
Maybe they were talking about ur cross necklace when they mentioned a cross.
When you guys do the Estes method, it would be great for us to hear the actual feed through the headphones!
My first experience, that started my insatiable thirst for the paranormal, was feeling a shadow figure manifest, looking up and watching it glide/walk along a wall, and disappear under a staircase cut into the corner. It went under the only window in the room, and I could see the door. Totally changed my life.
What a sweet kitty in beginning. Loved her. Hope she's doing great.
Great video. Love y'all. I'm from martinsburg, WV.
Your in my neck of the woods we'll about a hour away
Prayers to God are the best way to help anyone . End the prayer with in the name of our savior Jesus Christ. Stay safe and GOD BLESS.
Let's go to the Hospital
THEY are begging for you to get someone of religious belief to set them free. They are there being tortured by something negative.
Let's go to the hospital! I have a pretty cool "hospital like" (it was an asylum at one time and a rehab at another time) paranormal story but I don't have time at the moment to write it out so I'll be back!
Dude wiah u would take me ive been around paranormal all my life i dont wanna b on tv i just wanna investage im not one to scare i love ur work an jeff an family if i seen my self in paranormal world i would try to commicate to aee if evil or wtf it is man just one chance good job like all ways
We bought a house about 7 years ago now. The house was built in '64 and we are only the second family to have lived in it. There haven't been any deaths here. It's a 3 bedroom ranch, with a basement/garage. When we moved in my daughter was only 18 months old. We moved in in December. It was October, I remember because my daughter, Annabelle, was watching a Halloween Bubble Guppies episode, when she came into the kitchen and told me there was a ghost in the back room (the 3rd bedroom we use for storage). I assumed she was playing a game because in the Bubble Guppies episode they were running around screaming "ahhh a ghost". I told her to show me and she dragged me to the back room. She pointed to the corner and said "He there" then she got a weird look on her face, looked around the room, then back up at me, raised her arms and said "Where he go?". I was pretty creeped out. A few months later was boyfriend was out of town for work. I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed and Annabelle was in the hall playing, waiting for me. She stopped what she was doing and looked into the back room and says "oh hi again!" smiles and nods like someone answered and then says "do you like to jump?" pause "yeah me too" starts jumping. Being home alone I freaked out. Called my mom crying and everything.
What's odd is that nothing has happened since then. Almost like whatever it was realized it scared me and quit ??? or my daughter just had a few weird moments! We do keep that door shut now though. My daughter still talks about "ghost friend" like he's a long lost buddy and last year we were doing a spirit box session in my bedroom (right next to the back room) and I swear there is a male voice whispering into the recorder, not coming through the spirit box, but a genuine disembodied male voice. I think it's saying something like "let's talk now" or "let's die now" but my boyfriend says he hears "….. down now"
That's my ghost story 😀
Let's Go To The Hospital
#AmazingSpOokyFamiLy ❤️🌹😵💫
#StayBleSsedAndSpOoky 💌🌹❤️
Kitty needs help! I hope that they catch him and get him some help, food and love!
Colin! How do you keep taking this channel to a whole new level?!? You my friend are a genius! I love how you are making these movies with the mini interviews of you and Jeff (or your brother in law with previous videos) talking to what your experiencing during the investigation in post evidence.
Road to one million subs!
Love to you from New Zealand!
P.s your life journey and growth has been amazing to watch. Thank you for that blessing brother!
like this guys
Enjoying your documentaries on the killing fields Collin. Always enjoy these as well. You should try to put together a sasquatch documentary next. Thats a subject matter I'm sure many would be interested in and its absolutely more then plausible. You've done one on aliens, the paranormal, killers. That would be awesome to see dude! Either way, thanks for the awesome content brother.
Let's go to the Hospital