The Liver King Lie

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Huge thanks to @Zack Telander and his team for contributing to the creation of this video.
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  1. I will go very dark here. This guy and the other "gurus" should be put in jail and given the death penalty. In my opinion this is a psychopatic shit. You lie to your customer base, some of them who are just naive fools or desperate people that tried all of it and want for this to work. With politicians at least we expect it, but this shit is beyond disgusting. This applies in any domain where these charlatans sell you the "secret".

  2. For people that dont know about steroids its hard to know who uses or who doesnt, like its not a magical pill that will make your body like Ronnie Coleman in 1 month. Also some people think like because I have a nice body (blast n cruising for 1 year now) they think my muscles are fakes and they get bigger because I inject them lol… but when I ask them if they know other guy who trains from monday to saturday and keep a good high calorie high protein diet everyday… I know people that takes double the stuff I take and looks like shit… injecting is the easy part it only takes 1 minute, diet is 24/7 and training many hours every week… but the skinny dudes or the fat ones that never touch a dumbell in their life after speak without knowing anything… they even think whey protein is not natural lol

  3. How come he began working out when he was 10-12 years for 25 years and he is 45? The Maasai community live on that diet and what you don't see is 'primal" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. People will be fooled if they so wish.

  4. I ain't even mad that he denied being on steroids repeatedly. I'm mad he did so while calling anyone who said he was, a "subprimal", when it was obvious as fuck to anyone with more than 3 brain cells to rub together.

  5. I mean.. sure, he lied, but he is still putting the work in everyday and spreading the right message. Get your fucking asses up and do something with your life, take care of your family and love them to the fullest.

  6. Not even an old school lumberjack that felled trees with an axe all day 365 days a year rain hail and snow looked even 50% like that and that was one of the hardest lives physically.

  7. I remember seeing this guy for the first time and laughing out loud. First there's the name the Liver King, then the fur hat and lifting weights while walking down the street. He looked like a cartoonish 1980s wrestler. I had no idea there was a whole lifestyle/supplement thing going on with him. I thought it was a goof.

    It's kind of weird how people could buy into that, but I'm sure there are some benefits to doing it….sans the 15k/month gear habit.

  8. Lmao… to be honest those emails make him look good. If he wasn’t scamming people he would be a cool dude to look up to when it comes to working hard and being dedicated.

  9. Yo fam, I’m genuinely curious if any of these content creators like Derek or Coach Greg do personal consultations? I’ve been working out consistently for a year and I’m still a skinny fuck 😂

  10. This is a very good video! I always wondered about the Liver King guy. I just wanted to say that most people probably don't know, but it's not tenants. When you are talking about core values, the word is tenets. Everyone seems to be saying tenants lol.

  11. I wish that he would have came out and said, I work with a doctor and combine the ancestral tenants with Modern medicine and hormone therapy.

  12. Congratulations on the recent JRE appearance. I actually heard about you from Joe a while ago. Thanks a lot for all your work. I never could figure out why Liver king would possibly lie like this, it made no sense, just as Mr. Rogan said… Why lie? why Lie? it actually works against his whole thing, the thing that sucks is when you make people think you can look like that without extreme genetics or steroids, how many young guys have worked their ass off, and got depressed following all his tenants and lost hope and ended up hurting themselves?

  13. I don’t know if the 9 rules or the nutritional stuff he puts out there is healthy or not, but if it is healthy and factual, who gives a fuck if he’s in the juice. I mean yea he’s a douche for being disingenuous but if following his guidelines even when he’s not, and its healthy, then what’s the problem? But i don’t know if his stuff is healthy.

  14. It's crazy that anyone actually believed this to be real. I mean.. come on.

    But i guess in an age where people believe 5g is dangerous, the world is flat, vaccines are hazardous, god created the world, climate change is a lie.. i mean.. i guess reality doesn't matter anymore today.

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