Top 10 Craziest Walmart Incidents Caught on Camera

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These caught on camera moments will shock you! For this list, we’ll be looking at the wildest, strangest and most unpredictable moments caught on film in the big box store. Our countdown includes Quitting on Camera, Shampoo Aisle Fight, Black Friday Brawl, and more! What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen when you’ve gone out shopping? Be sure to share with us in the comments below.

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  1. Two seperate times working at Walmart we had someone start a fire twice in the toilet paper section. One was at night the other during the day.

  2. I worked at Walmart from 1999 till 2002 and I worked the day of Black Friday but I didn’t work during the Black Friday sale because I was working the evening shift when this person that I knew from school came in an hour before my shift was over and did some shopping however I had some trouble with that person at school and was told to stay away from her in which I was staying away from her but she called the cops on me anyway and told them that I was stalking her and I wasn’t doing that and the cops knew that she was lying because they saw the security footage and I was nowhere near her because I was at the cart bay giving some carts to the door greeter and she was all the way out by her car which was parked halfway out by Burger King but the cops couldn’t do anything about that because she had her kids with her but they did let her off with a warning to leave me alone and she did leave me alone until a couple weeks later when she was out there by herself and the same bullshit happened again but the cops got her that time and the day after that I put a restraining order on her so needless to say she was barred from there after I put the restraining order on her

  3. Kind of insensitive to have made a video about incidents at Walmart literally days after the Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia had a mass shooting as was reported all over the news.

  4. I worked for Walmart for 8 years. I've seen nearly everything but the strangest thing had to be the guy walking in dressed from head to toe in knight's armour. I couldn't stop laughing all day.

  5. It’s clear the narrator knows nothing of retail after the amount of times he said “I hope they got a raise.” Nah, they say it’s our job and that’s what we get paid for. lol

  6. I have lived for the better part of the past 15 or so years in and around Arkansas (near the Walmart headquarters, no less) and Texas. I have been to numerous Walmarts and sadly (or not) I have yet to have any such experiences. Yeah, there are a lot of toothless men with mullets and people on mobility scooters, but I have never seen anyone brawl or things catch on fire.

  7. The fact no one is questioning if Covid was an intentional biological attack is really crazy. Like come on, how often does a disease lock the entire world down under such shady circumstances?!

  8. It's so funny how LIBERAL Watchmojo is. You're quick to point out a mask mandate when the employees, several, we're invading the 6ft rule on not just the customer, but themselves as well. What about how these employees cough, sneeze on themselves while stocking the products?? One of the women wasn't even wearing the mask correctly! More holes in your "logic" than Swiss cheese thats been impaled several more times over.

  9. Worked at one in Northern California, less than a block from a gold rush era graveyard. One night as I was sweeping down the toy isle, they had these nerf guns on the shelf on these hooks that, if you had took them off the way these were flung the neighboring ones would have gone with them. They didn't. Needless to say I noped out till after 3rd shift meal periods lunch had ended and helped the person stock that section pick them up. Don't work there now have imo a better job in fast food with less stress.

  10. I’ve seen a bird in VONS. First time I’ve ever seen that happen and months later I heard a crazy loud woman saying “Target is the worst, Target doesn’t have good employees, it’s trash!”

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