Renowned Egyptologist Professor Joanne Fletcher explores the life of the most famous pharaoh – Tutankhamun. Jo has curated a very special exhibition in her hometown, Barnsley, not only to celebrate the world of Tutankhamun, but also the people from northern England who played an important role in his rediscovery.
The film showcases some of the 12,000 Ancient Egyptian objects that are usually kept by Bolton Museum, but are now on special display in Barnsley.
Jo has curated a collection that exemplifies the world of Tutankhamun, focusing on the years before his spectacular burial. These objects represent the life he enjoyed growing up in Amarna as the son of Akhenaten, as well as the early years of his own reign. She handles the precious objects that reveal this world, including luxurious wine goblets and ultra-fine linen clothing. And with a display of tiny household figures of multiple deities, Jo shows how the accepted story of Akhenaten sweeping away all the traditional gods of Egypt is far more complex on a domestic level. A tiny figure of Amun is evidence that some of the old gods were very much still around and were still being privately worshipped within the new city.
Around the age of 19 Tutankhamun died, and that is how history remembers him. But in the centenary year of the rediscovery of his tomb, Jo Fletcher feels it’s only right that we not only remember his death, but start to celebrate his life.
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Thankyou ms fletcher from your contributions to the world of all we who love Egypt 18 dynasty family i wish England could have take tuts and ankh two little children they will be care not decaying in a basement like it happened uts sad how other countries treat the item from tumbs with more care and respect that the egipt antiquities how they left those 2 fetuses to decay knowing the importance of them my heart breaks thanks a. Million all your fans from all pver the world
Amazing that you managed to do a whole video about the life of Tutankhamun and not even mention his disabilities, it's almost like you think erasing that fact makes him more acceptable to you.
Are those original artifacts? Or copies? Some of those cabinets don't look very stable or secure against somebody determined to be a jackass.
Wow, Akhenaten was the forerunner to Henry the VIII! Abolishing a religion and then stripping it of it's wealth. Also, I love the fact that Joanne is from Barnsley. I grew up in Hull, a hop, skip and a jump away and I think it's brilliant that not only did the north play such a pivotal role in Tutankhamun's rediscovery but also that Dr Fletcher has made Egyptology in the modern day so accessible. Fabulous video. Many thanks x
Joan Fletcher ?!
That deserves a like and sub. 👏
How would you feel if you went to your Grammys grave to find it had been robbed and her final resting place accoutrements displayed for all the stranger public eyes to see, then have the person that robbed her grave called a hero? It's a perfect example of how what appears to be intelligent people having absolutely cognitive dissonance towards defiling a person's final rating place.
I've seen a lot of documentaries but until now I've never seen an archeologist handling artifacts with latex gloves as opposed to white cotton ones.
I returned from a trip to Egypt a few weeks ago. This presentation is helping to make even more connections with all I saw. Thankyou!
Has Joann Fletcher changed her theory about KV35YL being Nefertiti? She calls Nefertiti Tut’s step mother and Kiya his mother.
KV35EL is thought to be Tiye. The KV55 mummy is very likely to be Akhenaten. I thought Joann Fletcher thinks KV35YL was Nefertiti, or once thought so? KV35YL and KV55 are mother and father of Tut. Thus they are Nefertiti (KV35YL) and Akhenaten (KV55 mummy).
In this doc, to repeat myself, Joann Fletcher says Kiya is Tut’s mother! If KV35YL is Nefertiti, it makes her Tut’s mother, not his step mother! I’m confused.
Joanne Fletcher is one of my favorite presenters. Being in the USA but having watched her documentaries for many years, I noticed that her accent is more pronounced in this video from her home city; it was lovely to hear.
I got to see the Tutankhamun exhibit in the 70s. Being passionate about all branches of Anthropology, it was one of the highlights of my life.
Blacks depicted in ancient Egyptian art are Nubians. They adopted / copied many aspects of ancient Egyptian life and culture. They invaded around 730 BC and ruled Egypt for LESS than 100 years. Many Afrocentrics mistakenly claim images of Nubians are images of ancient Egyptians. Seems less than 100 years out of thousands is enough for blacks to claim all of the Egyptians history and culture as their own.
Egyptology is a racist, quack profession, littered with, in excellent condition; 18th century forgeries
Funny how Ms Fletcher totally ignores the most authentic statue from Ancient Egypt, the Sphinx of Giza, and instead places emphasis on frauds like the Berlin Nefertiti bust; anything for the cause of whitewashing Ancient Egypt
Barnsley. Home of Michael Parkinson, Geoffrey Boycott and Joann Fletcher.
Love your work 👍 Cheers from Australia.
If you look at a map of Egypt, one fascinating feature stands out. In the North, the Nile splits into what is called, the Nile Delta. It looks just like a lotus flower in bloom. Even the topography of Egypt has poignancy to its ancient culture.
Professor Joanne Fletcher never disappoints! Passionate, factual and interesting. Brava.
Prof. Joann fletcher ❤ yay!
Everything that the English and others took away, took over from Egypt, all that should be returned! It's not theirs!
Good morning everyone
I’ve always been interested in Egyptology from a very young age . Also Joanne Fletcher is a big of a hero to me , I’m from Barnsley and to hear someone , who is a joy to listen to, with my accent is superb!! 😂 I wasn’t aware of this exhibition in Barnsley , glad I’ve found out and hope to visit very soon .
Looted artifacts…..
You mean to celebrate all of the stolen Egyptian treasures!!!!….
Thieves of Egyptian heritage!!!…
Is this ambatukams brother?
Does the blue cup have anything to do with actually drinking blue lotus as a hallucinogenic?
That was very interesting great work
I imagine the Royal Women looked almost nude in their sheer gowns and tunics, and how beautiful at least some of them appeared when silhouetted against the sun.
I love Egyptian history, but can Prof. Fletcher please do something about her blazer?? It's 2 sizes too big and it looks very sloppily! Sorry about this little rant
first description i had of the religion as such , it has some parallels with on of the religions that was isil perquisite where a "archangel" was the only one to be about to communion with the god or some such thing even the sacrifice of Jesus(rip) interceding for sin which would not be permitted in the presence of the most loving /merciful /spirit/s ,, the plot thickens
OMG, that's not very kind of me, but she speaks exactly like Philomena Cunk ; unsettling…
i was just there last week.
Very good video I enjoyed it
The AD volume is horrible.
Thanks to Prof Fletcher and all the team for this. Its great to see the Northern contribution to Egyptology being shown in this way. Some of the artefacts are truly stunning: I love the image of Tut having a drink. The expression on his face is priceless, like a lecturer at 6pm on a Friday.. 🍷🤣🌟👍
Queen Tiy definitely killed Tutankhamen. 4:48 – That's the face my wife makes when I don't load the dishwasher correctly. RIP brother.
I had the great pleasure of visiting Egypt in 2010. It was the Top of my ‘Bucket List’ and it didn’t fail. I was amazed at how comfortable I felt in Egypt. The people were so kind and welcoming. The historical cities in Egypt were enchanting and I had the feeling of falling back in time to the Era of the great Pharaohs. I have always been in love with history and especially in Egypt. I have always enjoyed watching Professor Joanne Fletcher, she never fails to deliver very exciting and interesting programs. I would love to be able to go back to Egypt to visit again. Egypt has a fabulous museum that is a must to visit. It contains so many objects that envelope the Egypt people, their customs and religious believes. Also there are exquisite Coptic Churches and Mosques which are kindly open to all visitors. I loved hearing the call to prayer every day. We cruised down the Nile, visited Temples, and Pyramids and explored the Valley of the Kings, which was amazing! We bought beautiful Papyrus Art, Oils and Linens. There is nothing like Egyptian Linens the quality is outstanding! The linens still look like new 12 years later.
So why don't you bring that stuff back to Egypt.
I'll bet that the beads on the end of the tunic fringe, are skhab paste beads. They are still made, in North Africa.
“The surprising connection he has with northern England” …. Is ….. NOTHING BESIDES BEING LOOTED FROM EGYPT BY THE COLONIALISM. Return their artifacts and the set of the worlds too.
Don’t Egypt want their stuff back?
I have always dreamed of becoming an Archaeologist or an Egyptologist since I was a little girl. My love for ancient Egypt started with King Tut. I have studied as much as I can since I was a kid about ancient Egypt and Archeaology.
Is it me or are the bust statues of Tutankamun and Nefertiti have the exact same face features? Long nose and neck, high cheek bones, high eyebrows and very pointy chin. Hmm
All of these artifacts need to be sent straight back to Egypt immediately. These people have no right to them, it’s thievery. I love this Egyptologist so much, I have spent years following her work, but this is unsettling.
As someone from Barnsley so lovely to see this.
I love this Yorkshire lass
Thought it was Cunk speaking at the start 😭