DBD's Most HATED Killer Strategy

DBD's Most HATED Killer Strategy
Spread The Viralist

Onryo also known as Sadako is not a strong killer but with this strategy she can beat anything.
DBD’s Most Hated Killer Strategy, There are a few strategies as hated by survivors as this one.

@OnePumpWillie check out the Sadako main that started it all!

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About the Author: Hens


  1. ive only used sadako 5 times or less and have only mori'd 2 survivors in the sae game due to luck honestly. After watching this video i learned so much more about her.

  2. I think it’s pretty fun, although I do think they could change her a kit a little to make it more quality of life for both the killer and the survivors. For example lower the time it takes for TVs to turn on after teleporting by a lot, and increase the time it takes to turn back on when survivors turn them off. Another thing is a lot of her add ons suck. So they could change those. She does have have good brown add ons and Iri tape, tape editing deck, bloody finger nails, and ring drawing are all Very very good. Some could argue too good. But either way.

  3. Playing against sadako is fun because it keeps me busy doing other things instead of mindlessly sitting on gens. It feels like an actual horror game playing against someone who knows how to play her.

  4. someone tried this on my team but there was someone with no mither and i legit had a slug build (but without no mither) lmfao
    they should've got rid of us and then pulled this trick bc everyone escaped. someone DID get condemned at the end but we took hits for him

    weirdly it was this map too

  5. otz: no point in ever bothering with tapes

    me: dying to a bad killer not realizing this is the only way to counter sadako's best build

  6. I like this Sadako Build I made deriving from the anti healing side of your Build Hens sir: Franklin's Demise, Knock out, Sloppy Butcher, Nurse's Calling. Not a top tier build and i dont use pink add ons, but its fun nonetheless as it forces people to heal each other as long as I find their boons. I could replace Knock out with Shattered Hope, but yeah just wanted to share. Love your content and streams!

  7. I noticed that the condemned white circle around survivor portraits on the left, sometime becomes brighter or dimmer? What does that mean exactly?

    Do a survivor's portrait get temporarily brighter when they gain a stack of condemned?

  8. Camping Babba is worst Imo.
    At least iri tape Saddako you have interactions with the game, not just rushing gens hoping your team is not stupid going for a save.

  9. people are praising this strategy for being unique despite the fact that it incorporates slugging, camping, and tunneling all at the same time.
    what i don't understand is why hooking isn't incorporated into the strat. I've found that hooking and playing normally doesn't hinder the main idea of the strat (being building up a ton of condemn very quickly) and it applies just as much pressure as slugging.
    camping the tvs isn't as necessary as people were telling me and i found that even when people deposited tapes, i had no problems building that condemn back up since the iri tape makes spamming tvs easy and the green ring drawing just passively spreads it with the slow sloppy butcher healing.
    i never had a problem with gens going too fast and the games lasted around the same amount of time using my way rather than the traditional way and i got way less hate for it. changing a competitive strategy into something that a casual player like myself can enjoy really makes a difference in how people view this sort of play style. I've even got someone in the end game chat thanking me for not slugging and kicking gens every 5 seconds.

  10. I wonder if the base kit Unbreakable change is going to nullify this strategy. With base kit Unbreakable, teammates are not required to pick up the downed person, it will be impossible to keep spreading condemned to other players by slugging.

  11. Remember guys you only get condemned if healing/or getting healed by someone so if anyone has circle of healing you can easily counter this strategy and do a tape the moment you have 3 condemned stacks the game will last forever but hey anything is better than letting anyone running this strategy win.

  12. Just an idea but can’t survivors technically ignore the condemn if they do the gen next to where their -3 stack TV is? You can be healthy and sit with full condemn and then put the tape in as she m1s you. You’ll probably go down for it, but it’s better than being insta morid.

  13. I just play her using stealth and teleport everywhere using the tangled hair add-on? The one that keeps you undetected for 2 seconds after demanifesting. Just generally keeping them from ever hearing me. Still get a mori most games this way to

  14. Ngl i fell for this and it absolutely confused me. Idk who I played against but they did well. Onryo was slugging us but not hooking. Of course I thought we'd be ok it's just a little pressure but she doesn't have hooks. And then she started moring us. That's back when I didn't understand condemned at all. I wouldn't mind trying this playstyle since I just got her but haven't tried it out yet. Super cool and very intimidating to play against once you understand what's happening 😳

  15. interesting. i main this strategy, and never knew people hated it. every time i do it, someone's like "i've heard of this before! that was so much fun" or something along those lines. i don't know if it has something to do with mmr, (i am middle to high) but i only ever get love or silence

  16. I've played against this many times, and it's absolutely miserable. Nothing is fun about it. But it does make her extremely strong. And it works majority of the time. But ya know, as long as one person is having fun doesn't matter about the other four ppl playing 😂

  17. The worst strategy is only slugging. With Sadako, at least I'll get mori'd eventually. When other killers only slug, it's worst than that. I hate being left on the ground endlessly.

  18. the one who complains are those who think that they're playing for $10.000 championship prize everytime they boot up the game

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