To support Howl Of A Dog Animal Rescue Organization save and help dogs in need, please visit https://www.howlofadog.org Life in some rural regions from our country is hard both for humans and for their animals, and information about animal welfare and animal rights hardly ever reaches remote villages. Unplanned or unwanted litters often end up abandoned on the streets, increasing the number already huge of homeless dogs.
There’s room in every human heart for compassion towards animals too. These people acknowledged that abandoning unwanted puppies and dogs is wrong and inhumane and they accepted to be helped, understanding that neutering saves thousands of innocent lives through prevention.
These simple people serve as an inspiration to their community, demonstrating that animal cruelty and abandonment should never be an option, no matter who you are or where you live. Help is always available if you dare to care.
Neutering/spaying your dog is not only an act of responsibility in a world where pet-overpopulation is a serious problem, but also a proof of love for your dog, taking into account the many health benefits it has.
Howl Of A Dog organization has started a basic animal welfare education program, offering free neutering/spaying and free microchipping and vaccinations for dogs whose owners cannot afford the costs of these procedures.
This dog neutering/vaccinating/microchipping campaign was organized by Howl Of A Dog, Romania and all the expenses were covered exclusively by Howl Of A Dog. In this action, we neutered/spayed a number of 37 dogs and we provided free vaccinations for the most common dog diseases – like parvovirus and distemper – free microchipping and free health books.
Dogs with health issues were also offered medical care and treatment. We had 2 cases of umbilical hernia that required surgery and one case of urinary catheterization. One young dog was suffering from hemorrhagic gastroenteritis and required several days of hospitalization. Other 2 dogs received treatment and medication for ear and nail infections.
We distributed information leaflets containing specific details about the importance of neutering/spaying, vaccinating and microchipping the dogs.
We would like to thank the wonderful, dedicated team of veterinarians from Vetlink Resita who treated the dogs and performed all the neutering/spaying surgeries.
We want to say a heartfelt thank you to all Howl Of A Dog supporters. We simply couldn’t do this life saving work without wonderful people like you behind us.
To help us continue our work please visit: https://www.howlofadog.org/make-a-donation/
More animal rescue videos by Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/HowlOfADog/videos
Music CC by “zero-project” (zero-project.gr)
Howl Of A Dog is a small nonprofit animal rescue organization located in Romania. Our commitment is to rescue abandoned, neglected and abused dogs from the streets or from local kill-shelters and to find them suitable loving forever homes. For more details please visit our website: https://www.HowlOfADog.org/ or our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Thank you!
HOWL OF A DOG organization
Registration Number 33570458
Email: contact@howlofadog.org
Website: https://www.howlofadog.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HowlOfADog
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowlOfADog
The greed of drug companies have seen the prices of things escalate beyond belief so that all over the world people struggle. People with contacts should pressure them to support good works like these out of their billions. One executive would have spare change to completely run it. Oh but wait, they might need a new jet.
I see your work. Hope you get support. Post how much each procedure is.
Howl Of A Dog 👍👍👍👏👏🙏🙏❣️❤️
I thank God for people like you. Keep up the fantastic job you're doing! Between Howl Of A Dog and Vetlink Resita you're saving countless dogs! It's a beautiful thing to see, hear and watch. Thank you both for sharing this with the world. God speed!
I realise it can be a harsh place to live, but it also looks 'real' there in rural romania.. real life under a real sky.. compared to my plastic city wifi existence.
Thank you Howl Of A Dog. Your
tenderness with animals and compassion for them is an inspiration for me. I send you warm hugs from the USA.
Mulțumesc Urletul unui câine. Ta
tandrețea cu animalele și compasiunea pentru ele este o inspirație pentru mine. Vă trimit îmbrățișări calde din SUA.
Danke, Heulen eines Hundes. Ihre
Zärtlichkeit mit Tieren und Mitgefühl für sie sind eine Inspiration für mich. Ich sende dir herzliche Umarmungen aus den USA.
This is a very good organization. I watched many of their rescue and recovery videos, they are very good. And many of their rescued dogs are wonderfully recovered, beautiful, lively, and many of them are adopted world-wide, including in W. Europe and the USA. My family donated to Howl Of A Dog regularly and we appreciate them very much.
Thank you all for this Work!!!
You guys do howl of a job. Thank you!
Good job!
Neuter,neuter,neuter……. that's the key to success!
H owl doing good job going around saving
Dog been abandoned them not giving food
Especially. Owner they have dog they dont treat there own dog
You people are massengers of God
You guys are angels!
He is so sweet 💙❤️
You're such a blessing to this world and for having a beautiful soul, and such compassion for the animals. God bless to your organization 💕
I hope that ur doing have also here in philippines like free vaccines and surgery treatments
A real heroes 👍
It;s great to see how happy these dogs are- they clearly love their humans and are treated wonderfully! Every dog seemed ecstatic to be reunited 🙂