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This Episode Strick simulates a Plane Wreck for a Survival Challenge on a remote tropical island with no food, water or supplies.

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About the Author: Back 2 Basics Adventures


  1. Did this fucking crab 🦀 did do a jump or I’m high? Also does morens are fast as hell. Are there a lot of snakes on those islands? I guessing this is somewhere in Australia? This was the best survival video I saw so far, and I watched a lot. You have much of talent respect!

  2. glad to see some people actually care and respect those who risked and lost their lives in the tragic world wars because in this day and age people don't truly appreciate how lucky they are

  3. Ok so what if you don't crash into some tropical paradise, lets say you get stuck with reality and you just crash into middle of the ocean? This place your at looks like a dream, more like paradise then anything i have seen. I think I'd just stay there if I were you why would you ever want to leave that place to come back to the crap society we live in?

  4. good…if u crush in a place where you know kind of animals what u can hunt,sunny whether and clear waters,but planes can go to syberia what then?

  5. I WAS enjoying this, but you completely lost me when you didn't keep the water bottle or the glass bottle. And, with all of that rock and shallow water, I have two words for you… fish trap.

  6. 7:23 listen to this part, some thing weird in the audio. Overlaping the voice of the main character saying "yup" in a low tone. Check it out! 😱😱😱

    correct me if it was just an editing imperfections.

  7. You’re so smart.
    Anyone is an idiot if they don’t run through the shallows with ridged rock and the possibility of injury when they already have food

  8. I liked what you did l think rock circle in tidal pool for catching fish is less work just check on each low tide and after water shelter and Fire. And I would have grabbed that reef shark two days of flake beautiful. Great video thumbs up.

  9. Around 7:23 when you're talking about eating the greens to have a balance diet, it honestly sounds like a man says yep in an agreeing tone. Kinda nuts to think that could be the pilots spirit.

  10. 7:54 so did the captain also have a jacket as well? Or were you using footage before you did the challenge and was wearing warm clothing before so. The jacket should also be mentioned at the beginning.

  11. Bro you don't need to put so much of effort for fire. Just find a transparent poly bag fill it up with water, it acts as a lens when sunlight passes through it and burn dry stuff. It takes 20 to 30mins, its super easy n effortless.

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