The Callisto Protocol launched today and unfortunately i cannot recommend anyone buys in on last gen consoles or on PC in it’s current state. This is a game that should have never been considered for last gen consoles and callisto protocol pc performance verges on the lines of unplayable thanks to UE4 and broken FSR implementation. If you are on PS5 / Xbox Series X however this is a near perfect modernization of Dead Space with widely impressive graphics that make it a must play for any avid horror fan!
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0:00 Intro
0:50 Embargo Catastrophe
2:07 Gameplay- Truly Immersive Horror
5:26 Difficulty Perfection
6:11 Progression
7:22 Incredible Sound Design
8:40 Callisto Protocol’s Length
9:12 Out of this world graphical fidelity
9:56 The Story
10:58 Horrific Last Gen / PC Performance
12:51 Conclusion
The latest patch appears to have made the game playable on PC however it's still rough with some stuttering. I'd recommend everyone give the game a go on PC now, take advantage of Steam's great refund policy if you run into issues!
Getting this review out today has been an absolute pain due to the timeframe I had to work with and having to rewrite a significant portion but I'm glad to have finally managed to get it out for everyone to enjoy!
If you pin the enemy up on a spike wall, as long as it’s level with you, you can smack their body with the club and they will drop the loot
I’m playing this on my Steam Deck, and I’m having a great time with it. Stutter is minimal, and mostly during cutscenes.
I don't like how this game isn't survival horror at all and how little enemy variety there is
I've seen this game receive nothing but flak. But, I'm just going to get it myself and come to judgement.
The game let me down to be fair can’t wait to play the dead space remake
It’s def built for ps5 but my pc ran it fine at 90fps on ultra setting I have a i7 and 3070ti and I had obs running
Nice meme bro,can't believe how many people don't understand this video is satire.
I hope this studio dus not go under I know thare stocks tsinked 8% alredy
Um.. you can savage from pinned bodies on spikes just hit them with the Baton. It's bodies that get grinded into paste you can't loot afterwards.
I'm loving it so far.
Lets just hope their next game doesn't release with such bad performance, otherwise even with a patch, it will be a while before anyone forgets the name "Stutter Protocol".
You routinely have the worst takes on the site, always cone back to see them
I enjoyed this game alot. Im going through my second run through and i am about 70% done with it. both runs i did on maximum security. the first time around i had some difficult parts ,but nothing to bad. its simply learning from your mistakes. You definitely want to upgrade the baton left and right columns as soon as possible then your GRP. On the second run i am selling everything i pick up so its easier to upgrade everything . This game is amazing
Even without the stutter and issues on pc, it's FAR from a masterpiece. A 6/10 game if I've ever seen one.
I have a 1070ti with an overclocked i7, 32gb of ram. I have ZERO stuttering, even running dx12. I’ve been playing for 5 hours with ZERO issues. My settings are all either high or medium, turned off film grain, depth of field, and v-sync. Everyone commenting are fucking morons who don’t deserve to have a better rig than me. They have no idea how to tweak their rigs or the ingame settings for the best fps/quality when in game. Seriously y’all are bitching about nothing. Jesus Christ you negative YouTubers and your cult following is why games are getting fucked. Most of you should go to Minecraft or Roblox.
Felt it was a bit repetitive.
Huh. I heard say this was a bad game, watched the playthrough and just remeber watching my friend play all dead spaces and I just couldn't play without panicking.
Talk about Kratos vs Poseidon inspiration 2:42
great video this game is great and i been having the same performance issues ima try dx11 and see how that goes
This game is absolutely amazing im loving it the combat is brutal and lovely the controls are great and the dualsense is amazing definitely worth my money 💰
Idk if it’s just me but I’m playing it on the series x and it does not feel like 60 or 120fps
It's everything I expect from a dead suave like game. I'm happy with it. Wish it was a, bit more open world and had more elements from dead space 1
Gotta add this to the EZ Gaming list – beating EVERY game ever.
Thanks for the review, Mischief!
Shitty denuvo causing it
ah Redmoa I see you're a man of culture aswell 😛
after seeing Dani and her roll in this game I'm out she's so fucking annoying like nah bro kill it with the woke shit. I'm trying to be the giga Chad killing MONSTER not some dude who gets played over and over again by a female……I already get the enough in real life. i was hopping for something like your alone and you see everyone you meet die but not the cast for this woke time I'm in lol.
They didn’t make us whole again 😞
horror is not my cup of tea but cheers nonetheless to the people who made the game and to those now (being terrified) enjoying the game
I just finished it on PC and didn't have any problems, sucks other people are having problems 🙁
It’s super linear. I’m more than happy with a more linear game due to the over saturation of open world games but FFS can you at least have A LITTLE exploration? I’ll wait and see if they make any DLC that makes it a survival horror game. Otherwise, it’s just a beat ‘em up with no replay value. I wish it had RE style modes and unlockables. This smells of paid review.
Edit: also, no puzzles, poor weapon variety. With some DLC maybe they can make it better
I'm thoroughly enjoying this game I don't get the criticism.
On a lighter note, this is a great piece of horror for PC and last-gen console users, it's like the perfect nightmare. Poor performance, Denuvo DRM, DirectX 12, etc.
The issues remind me of Darksiders 2, great game ruined by terrible performance.
The only reason that difficulty should be a negative is if its artificial like the game has super bullet sponges for no reason or if the difficulty comes from bad design. But if the game is designed to be hard than that should never be a negative
I guess I'm odd I like the hiding of loading with the canned animations. But I also love animations in games like I can watch videos of just reload animations
I saw a lot of negative review but i don't understand why, it's an old school game linear and whitout hud and yes maybe is not that scary but the soundtrack alone can keep you on the edge constantly, i like this game a lot and this tipe of game is a nish product never intended for everyone like elden ring whit people rage quit because they can't take the challenge!!!
Finally someone that says the game is good!
5:39 the most traumatizing part of this part is the notification sound.
As usual…. PC fans get fucked. 🤦🏻♂️
Oh well, thankfully I have a PS5. Still looking forward to this game.
Play it on console that's my advice mainly because the game developers only have one set of specs to pay attention to instead of a multitude of specs on the PC which is very confusing for a game developer to get right
1:41 a man of culture
It runs fine on the PS4 pro though
I was on playstion 5 and i loved it only one bug and i just restarted it(it froze once) beat it too😉 and in 2 months we are supposed too get a new game plus btw its common sense too only get games that come out now a days on next gen if you didnt you have your self too blame
Cute action beatem up game. Nothing was scary, just sold this garbage, why would i play this shit, sifu is a way better beat em up.