Tune in to video game’s biggest night live – THE GAME AWARDS! Join us from Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles for awards, world premieres and musical performances from Sting, Imagine Dragons and The Game Awards Orchestra.
Plus, Jim Carrey and Ben Schwartz reveal Sonic 2, Keanu Reeves + Carrie-Anne Moss debut The Matrix Awakens, and more than 40 video game updates and reveals!
Geoff Keighley hosts a spectacular showcase.
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00:00 – Pre-Show
30:07 – Main Show
Marvel vs capcom nice good marvel vs capcom 2 nice good
Gad of war Ragnarok
1:02:11 alen wake
LOL at a mid co op game getting GOTY. Anything outside a single player game getting GOTY is a JOKE.
Im gamer lov play games wit good missone rell good cobat cool guys
1:03:58 en ese momento sentí la verdadera emoción
Marvel rise nemesita EA интересно
Эд бун путинин Эд бун боится дзынь через хлою
Rick and morty nice good
Disney infinity nice good looney tunes racing sucks
Xbox activison sucks
Diablo sucks sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs
2:01:42 Yes Ma'am
Noooo mortal Kombat 12 🙁
I wonder if this year, Edgerunners will get the same spotlight treatment like Arcane 😁
When will the game awards nominees 2022 be announced?
bring back industry icon awards
For best kidnapped gaming
Que evento tan increible, dan muchas ganas de revivir el momento..
2:27:38 this yo gabba gabba ass dance
Wut? Why is shang-chi there?
2:16:51Sorry Sonic your style Adventure doesn't seem to work.
That tells me your games going to be trash.
But you failed Sonic.
But who knows maybe when my game goes up.
There> it will probably win.
Because it's a very good Action Adventure game.
But it got a long ways?
I'm only one designer ^-^.
But nice try. Maybe next time.
But love the test out and show off my game bye.
By the way congratulations to the greatest action adventure game of all time. That won that trophy.
I couldn't believe they had chosen GI instead of Honkai Impact or Punishing Gray Raven!
Ah yes happy for Jenshin Impac. Sad for Genshin Impact maybe next year
3:22:51 Ping!
I saw the movie and it was amazing
What game is 34:45?
Break browndaries?
Blizzard nice good nice good nice good nice good nice good
Pixar video game sucks sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs
Buz lithgter rescue ps1 sucks sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sucks sukcs sukcs sukcs
Disney infity cameloft sucks sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs sukcs
Marvel rise nemesita EA nise good
"Congrats dream, of course not here in person "
Why rubbing salt on my wounds🥲
Killer instinct sucks mortal Kombat X sucks marvel vs capcom sucks
Ea and marvel fighter nice good
Disney infinity marvel battleground nice good disney infinite marvel vs capcom sucks
Disney speedstorm and disney infinity nice good
Mickey mania sucks disney infinity sucks
Who watching the orchestra again mid 2022? Phenominal
So boring, snooze fest
I Love it ❤️🇧🇷🎮🌎
Bruh who tf wants to play as gollum
Female awards