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Screws put in my arm (9 of em). The drugs wore off an hour after I got home. I can date it almost exactly too the 3rd part of Alcatraz came out that day
Currently have tendonitis in both elbows. Not too painful, just inconvenient
Death of a pet. Hurt more than death of relatives. I guess I’m a sociopath. 😅
Abscess the size of a doorknob on the back of my neck.
I have been through 12 surgeries. I can't drink anything that has caffeine in it or get dehydrated because then my kidneys start making tiny crystals that cause several microtears as they pass with my urine; it's like passing several kidney stones at once 1/10 wouldn't recommend this to anyone.
P.S.: I have almost died thrice, and nothing beats getting your organs shredded from the inside, lol
For me I’m not sure which was worse, getting my lower leg crushed between the bumpers of two cars or the impacted/abscessed tooth.
For the leg injury, I had slid on some ice while driving and tapped the car in front of mine, who had just slid into the car in front of them. I got out to check damage and exchange information as needed. Just a few scratches to both out bumpers. As I stood there talking to the other two people involved, an suv SLAMMED into the back of my car hard enough to wreck the frame and rear axle pushing my car forward again into the car I had just hit. But my right leg was in between. My calf muscle was torn to hell, but oddly enough no broken bone. Still couldn’t walk without crutches for over 3 months and plenty of physical therapy. And the bruising on my leg was so dark it was like someone colored in the entire area with black sharpie.
All that and the impacted/abscessed tooth is a toss up. Tooth pain is insane.
Broke my clavicle in the middle and tore my AC joint. Had emergency surgery and ended up with a plate & 8 screws on my clavicle. I had been told they were going to try to preserve these two big nerves that are cover by the clavicle but that wasn’t guaranteed.
I woke up after & the pain was legit worse than breaking my bone in the first place. It was even worse than when the ends of the bones moved and touched each other again. I would say the pain was easily a 15/10 and I was on hydromorphone at this time… something that’s like 6 some times stronger than morphine. It was unbearable, it’s literally worse than burning. It’s like, imagine your inner part of your arm almost down to the elbow, your entire shoulder cuff, your armpit, the side of your chest almost down to the obliques, your pec from right below your pec muscle up to your neck all the way to about 3/4 inches from the sternum, imagine all that, feeling every single pore, every since point on those areas feel like searing hot needles puncturing you all over that. It felt like my brain couldn’t comprehend that these two major nerves that innervate all this area were severed and so like it was just reacting as if these areas were so heavily damaged that I should be in insane pain. Idk… but it was hell. I was only supposed to be in post op some 2 hours or so, they didn’t let me out for like 7 hours due to my pain. It was legitimately horrible, indescribable. Like it’s already hard enough to explain broken bone pain & feeling your bones move in ways and touch things they weren’t supposed to do, so to explain this type of pain, which was way worse is beyond words. I was crying for hours and the nurses ended up telling me they couldn’t give me more opioids because I was maxed out. They brought the attending and he explained and told me that they could down grade me to morphine and give me more of that but that if the hydromorphone wasn’t working at its max then the morphine wouldn’t do anything either… when he said that my soul sank and I realised I would have to suffer it out. I broke my bone training for an MMA tournament, decade of martial arts training and tricking, countless injures including dislocated fingers. I was by no means a stranger to pain, but this… this was, yo this was seriously horrible. Like legit, and imagine, I was basically on legal heroin, I was on a drug a couple steps away from fentanyl, and even then it felt like my entire pec, shoulder, upper inner arm, and armpit were melting away with acid on fire whilst being cut with rusted razors…
Every time they added supplementary drugs like I would feel the initial hit and high from them but like out of this insane bliss the immense pain came on like a damn tsunami and was so strong that within a matter of like 26 or 27 seconds this drugged up bliss was overcome again by a hell of pain. It was legit, like I understood that day how some people self-forever-sleep due to physical pain.
They eventually sent me home with oxy and for 3 days I was taking the max doses, still nothing. It was like the rest of my body was high but these areas and my consciousness weren’t, only pain. Thankfully the pain went from 15/10 on mega drugs to 11/10 on (relatively tame) OxyContin. Still horrible but compared to post op it was a respite. I remember telling my mom to take me to the ER, and that the surgery was a mistake and that I should have taken the risk of not doing the ORIF surgery and gone with the cast or whatever. Every time anything, even just a bit of dust touched these areas of skin a shockwave of sensory overload pain just spread all over the affected areas. I could feel when the AC would turn on because even the breeze on my skin would send me into incredible pain.
Worst part is that as this “nerve” pain started dissipating, I could feel the screws in my clavicle, I could literally feel the drill opening holes, I could feel, I’m not kidding, I could feel the like way they moved both halves on my clavicles and put them end to end together again. Even though I was out it’s like my body was remembering everything. I could feel the scalpel cutting me open, my skin and superficial muscles being cut and spread and held that way. Not specifically in that order but the feelings would like come on, some times I would feel them multiple at a time, like the scalpel cutting me and the drill opening the holes in my bone at the same time…
All of this lasted about 5 days… thankfully the severe pain dropped to a point where it was about 7/10 off of the oxy so I stopped taking it.
To this day I’ve never felt any pain worse than that, not even severe nail pain, I haven’t felt severe tooth pain but I don’t want to either 😂 not ever holding my hand to open flames hurt this bad.
I also still don’t have much sensation in much of my upper right pec up to the underside of my clavicle, all of the front of my shoulder and the inner part of my upper arm about half way down the arm, most of the sensation in these areas is like static. Like I don’t constantly feel static but if you were to touch those areas I don’t feel like pressure, but I feel that static you feel when your leg falls asleep, not to that extent but yea… I can’t really feel much pain at all unless it’s severe, like you can pinch me with your nails and I won’t feel it until your nails are almost piercing the skin, and it’s like that’s enough for my brain to get the signal so it all of a sudden goes from nothing to static to sudden sharp pain 😂 even a chick like caressing me on the right pec feels like a sea of static…
Having lung reinflated after 24hr pneumothorax from a trigger point injection. Close second is trigeminal neuralgia from infected parietal salivary glands (autoimmune disease adverse issue)
gallblader attack
Fell during a walk, partially tore a lot of ligaments in my ankle. When I hit the ground a primal scream left me. I was in the woods alone but my adrenaline game was very strong by now and I was able to sort of get home, then I crashed. I'm amazed at how I was able to function in a crisis. Ankle isn't what it used to be.
My biggest pain was walking around for 2 days with a ruptured colon (high pain tolerance). Finally went to the ER, got prepped for surgery as soon as the mri was looked at. Woke up with an ostomy bag-reversed after 4 months- all my abdominal muscles cut, and a foot long row of staples going down my stomach, plus the surgeon telling me if I hadn’t come in I wouldn’t have survived the night, I was THAT septic. Moral of the story, if something hurts you should probably go see a doctor…
…. life
Yeah, stomach ulcers and stomach acid eating your stomach lining is the worst. It was absolutely awful. It was the worst.
The adrenaline crash,after riding my electric scooter 3 miles home, after getting hit by a car. I had horrendous road rash on my lower back and arms and broke my T6.
Wear your helmets kids
Got an adhesive ace bandage stuck in my hair, took an hour at least to pull out.
Ridiculously bad period cramps and heavy bleeding. They make me pass out. I started my period at 10, and this has been going on since I was 11. I tried birth control pills at 15 (when it got to the point of me throwing up and passing out) and it made me try to kill myself. I’m 19 now and I can’t hold down a job, can’t drive, and I’m failing my college (university) classes because I’m in so much pain that I can’t make it to class. I’ve been on pain meds for it the past few years, and my body recently built up a tolerance for it. Every doctor I see writes me off and refuses to test me for endometriosis because I’m “too young”. I will literally beg the next doctor I see to get tested.
My first (yes, first) kidney stone also got stuck in the ureter, and I required lithotripsy. It felt like I'd been hit in the kidney with an aluminum baseball bat for a week after, and I was pissing gravel-filled blood for days.
Tooth infection. So freaking bad. I got the tooth removed.
22:00 some of these stories sound exactly like me. I guess we Americans all suffer from the same effed up pains only first world people seem to get. Ruptured ovaries, gallstones, etc. Unlike people who contract tropical diseases or get stomped on by an elephant or starve slowly over time….
With the stomach acid story, I remember when that happened…. It was awful, I'm sure I lost around 10 pounds within the week the stomach acid was running its course. Luckly…. I was able to eat a little oatmeal here and there.. That is a pain I wish no one would ever feel. not even my enemies.
I always think that getting a nerve hit when your teeth are being drilled about the worst, and the pain of feeling my c-section when I had my daughter wasn't nearly as bad. I could feel each slice as they were opening me up. I kept saying "I can feel that!" But they were busy talking.
Pain is weird. I was in terrible pain having to intensely pee but I still couldn't just pee until I was alone in a bathroom.
Migraine. I was attempting to pour boiling water over my head. Luckily my 8 year old vetoed the procedure. Now I use sound (rife frequencies) free here on the YouTubes. Works in minutes.
Having an exposed nerve inside a broken tooth injected after the first two doses of novacaine to the jaw didn't help with the pain of the tooth removal
I literally saw flashes of white and red like I got shot in Call of Duty
The hours before your very infected ear ruptures!!
When I received the text that my only friend didn't want to talk to me anymore. I was in public so I just laid my head down on a table and cried silently. Only time I've ever wanted to die
Messing your foot up in a car wreck (and it wasn't even my fault)damn drunk drivers
I had an infected tooth. The infection was so bad that when they used local anesthetic on it, the infection wouldn't allow it to touch the nerve so they pulled the tooth out of my mouth without any pain relief and then pushed on my face to try to get some of the infection out of my cheek. I sobbed the whole way home and had a swollen face for over a week while the antibiotics did their job
I had a kidney stone once. Morphine was a lifesaver for me.
Ive never had any real bad injuries, but here are my worse two. When I was five, I was playing in my grandparents pool.they had some kind of tile around the edge, a ceramic or glass kind of deal. Yeah, I got a shard of it in my knee, and my dad had to hold me while I was kicking and screaming to get it out.
When I was fourteen, I got a piece of glass in my foot. It was late at night, and I was so tired I just went to sleep. Come morning, it had been basically imbedded, and I refused to let my parents pull it out. Had it in there for a month before I wiggled it out myself.
Also, this isn't mine, but when my sister was around five, she was running and slammed her foot into a chest. Her big toe nail was almost completely off. She has a pain sensitivity issue, so it was so much worse. My dad eventually just pulled it off (like a bandaid)
6:19 i have a disorder where i technically puke up food alongside the stomach acid that shit destroys your vocal cords it is not funn the worse pain i deal with on a daily bias
Chemotherapy. Red devil. If you ever drank some strong, strong whiskey made specifically to burn your throat… imagine that x3 or maybe x4, now put it in your every vein and artery and flaring up each time your heart beats… and your heart is beating slow and weak because your body is so thin, brittle and emaciated because all your muscle and what little fat you had has been eaten away by the cancer and chemo duking it out, so you're basically a skeleton with skin clinging to the bones that has painful fire pushing through your veins and you just can't move. You don't have the energy to scream. You can't even bring yourself to cry. You can just ask " Why? " in your mind in between bouts of nothingness because they have you on such a high dose of painkillers coherent thoughts are rare, yet they don't do much, if anything for your pain. It was… an experience.
Had both my shoulders and my left hip replaced, too… but chemo… dear God, that was the most horrible pain and in a way I'm glad it happened to me instead of another family member. Think I'm the only person that had the strength of will to survive.
I thought a twisted testy was bad. Loss of blood flow.
When I got a 2nd degree burn on my face. I was on new medication that I knew I had to be careful in the sun when taking it, but it was a cloudy day so I thought I'd be fine, didn't even cross my mind. I got burnt all the way down my nose snd on my forhead. Decided to have a shower thinking it might help. I then went to put a t-shirt on and stripped all of the skin from the burn off my face. I've never been so close to passing out in my entire life.
Second was slicing my thumb on the long edged side of the cheese grater to the bone. I was made to sit in A&E from 6pm till 3am with no meds other than panadol and when I was seen almost passed out in the chair. Had to for 6 stitches
I got a fun one. My appendix exploded (no that's not hyperbole, it actually exploded) and I had a few years in and out of surgery for complications related to it.
so on my last surgery, it was an open body cavity procedure, major surgery but they way they coded it it was treated as an Outpatient hernia procedure, I was given the bare minimum of pain meds and had to beg the hospital staff to stay a 2nd day.
After I got sent home they finally gave me a script for proper pain meds, but my momeho I lived with at the time decided it was a great idea to hide them because she "didn't want me to become addicted to the opiates in the pills". Yea because like 2 weeks of meds was gonna do it. (years later she admitted she was wrong to do that.) So I pretty much went an entire open abdominal surgery with 0 pain meds. That was fun.
Diverticulitis is a lot of fun.
Slipping and fracturing my tailbone. Thankfully didn’t cause any spinal problems but it was the most pain I’d ever been. No matter what I did, everything hurt, even sitting
The worst pain i've felt was when i Stubbed my toe on the stairway guard fell down said stairs and woke up awhile later at the bottom of the stairs with a splitting headache.
My sister experienced 2 of these – kidney stone stuck in ureter and was pushed back up into the kidney the next day, and was blasted a few days later, and getting a needle stuck into her back to drain a kidney abcess but missed and poked her lung!
Starving (300 calories/day) + dehydration (1/2 liter/day) + hypothermia (-10°F to 40°F)
You get so weak and out of it. Its a very painful and disassociating experience.