Hoarders ❤️ Christmas Charity Vlog | Operation Santa Paws Animal Rescue Preview

Hoarders ❤️ Christmas Charity Vlog | Operation Santa Paws Animal Rescue Preview
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Today’s video will be a Vlog on our upcoming Christmas charities! We were originally going to post our Winter Clothes Sharing Table but it got postponed due to our COVID numbers going up. I still wanted to post a video for Wednesday so I thought I would update you on our Christmas charity plans ❤️🎄

#Christmas #Charity #Dogs

Woof Love Rescue: http://woofloverescue.org

Operation Christmas Child: https://www.samaritanspurse.org/operation-christmas-child/drop-off-locations/


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About the Author: A Hoarder's Heart


  1. The Operation Santa Paws official video will come out in December!! My boys are excited it that! And if you caught my youngest son sneezing while packing his shoebox…don’t worry, we cleaned it down before we sent it ❤️❤️

  2. Your videos have helped me to understand my uncle who has been a hoarder for 50+ years. His wife is a sweetheart and has tried and tried to control the stuff for years. My uncle had a stroke three years ago and yesterday he admitted that the mess in the house and yard (115yr old farm) needs to be organized and cleaned so moving with his walker is easier for him and he doesn't need to worry about his 81yr old wife tripping on something.

  3. Amazing I would have loved to be able to buy to help the boys but being in the uk it’s hard as iv said before I would love if u could set up a PayPal or go fund me acc something we could donate to love to be apart of it 🥰

  4. Glad your keeping up with charity. This week my state has been cracking down again as our covid cases increased so Thanksgiving is basically cancelled as well as my niece and nephew 5th birthday and probably Christmas at this point. Do I even want to bother with a tree at this point? Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.

  5. Wonderful video, Miss Heart! Your boys have such kind hearts. You must be such a proud mama.

    I know you've said you pray for all your viewers. Please pray for me and my family? Hubby just got diagnosed with Covid today. I'm a wheelchair user with severe health issues (breathing/heart/autoimmune). My mom is elderly and lives with us to help care for me. Hubby's quarantined in a bedroom but our apartment is tiny and he has to come out for bathroom or kitchen. Please pray for us. We're scared of the future and doing our best to rely on God but it's hard. Thank you, Miss Heart.

  6. In Belgium, we have the "shoe box gift for homeless people" :). We put in a shoe box a christmas meal that need no warming, a little chocolate, an utile gift for street life (soap, helmet, soks, …) and a pretty christmas card. You can note if it's a box for an homeless with a dog or a cat, if you put in a little gift for the animal :).

  7. Hello from Germany, hi miss Heart,good Job, you can be proud of you and your sons , i Love the "x-Mas in a shoebox" (Operation chrismaschild in Germany) i made it all years, we have foodboxes for peopel they have need it(you can buy it in a foodstore and they give it away),in the pet- Safe-Center we give Toys and food 3-4 Times a year, my cat is from this place, and the Dog from my Brother came from it, we Love to give , we have the the rule in my family to Help all, pet, human and the world,….. be safe

  8. I just thought last night how I wished you would do a video of what you put in/packing them and then boom, tonight I sit down and here one is! Awesome!! Thanks for sharing your heart and this sweet opportunity to help others.

  9. You really inspired me with this children’s shoebox project that I have seen in other videos you have posted. I managed to make 23 shoeboxes this year 🙂 Thank you for sharing your heart which has helped filled mine.

  10. I love occ. I did 6 boxes this year. We have been doing this about 20 years. When the boys are over 13 if you can take them to a distribution center they will have a great experience.

  11. super cute i loved this video idea! my family and I do OCC every year as well! I actually got a picture on facebook messenger of a girl that got my box one year!!❤️🥰

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