Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos That Went VIRAL (Nuke's Top 5) [REACTION!!!]

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  1. I specifically came here to see your reaction of the story of the security guard talking to the "old lady", because there's not many other reactors reacting to it atm. This story is what scared the piss knuckles outta my ahh when I first watched it alone at 6am, still dark outside. I LITERALLY got actual chills from it. I couldn't stop looking behind myself every few minutes, and had that light on for a long ahh minute. I ain't bullshttin btw. I'm being deadass, and I'm a full grown adult… 😅😓
    Nah man, these type of stories of people talking to some weird person, and then reveals that there's actually nobody there, seriously gets to me the most. Wish there were more people reacting to this one.
    But ofc you already know I stayed to watch your full reaction, because your content is fire. Keep doing you bro. 😎🤙🔥

  2. Thats how i sleep there should be little light on maybe a dim light or something i can never sleep with lights off no more after i experienced sleep paralysis.

  3. The second video is definitely fake. The door is open when the glass falls which is probably a plastic cup so it's easier to blow over. The two chairs seem to have been pulled like they are on string. And the door closing was clearly the little boy he would of been stood behind it when it slammed then went to hide. Kids can hide in crazy small places so wouldn't of been difficult to do all that. I really hope one day I find a video of concrete evidence I really want spirits to be real. That way it makes life more enjoyable knowing you will still live as a spirit when your gone. The thought of nothing after death is scary. Makes me worry more about life. I've heard things before and I've had people tell me they have seen things but until I see it with my own eyes I won't believe it truly just hope

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