Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I would love to hear all of the things that you have left out.. You should write a book. I truly feel that the veil is thinning and soon we will all be able to have communications with our true self and others who can bring us the peace & joy that we all deserve & desire. We are all one, we're all connected, and we would be able to work together for the greater good.
Amy's story is an important piece of the puzzle. Read it before elsewhere. LOTS of commercial interruptions — every 5 min. Too distracting.
I can so relate to Amy. I have two auto-immune diseases and I struggle with not wanting to continue to live like this. I feel like I am stuck in the victim mindest as well. But after listening to her NDE, I am reminded healing comes from within. Like Amy, meds and Doctors have been of very little help to me. I am glad I heard her NDE, it gives me hope. Thank you for sharing Amy and Lee, thank you so much for your channel. I listen daily.
I realize I need to strengthen my experience of not being a victim in this life! It is still a challenge, from listening to this I see it is one main lesson I still have now. And thank you for the comfort of the story of seeing the daughter on the other side. I am still processing losing my youngest daughter in that way and this is straight brought much hope. Thank you again.
Thank you 💖
Thank you ! 😊
Sound like the impure food is gmo problem we have
This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.. I literally am going thru point of denying Gods existence but this just brought me so much joy, peace, love, understanding, and reconnection to the ultimate truth. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This reignited a dying flame and gives me so much hope. Love and blessings to you and to everyone who sees this. My soul is smiling at yours 💙🙏🏽
If anyone has made a timeline of and time events or very important info let me know. I'm trying to make a timeline and an important info chart so if anyone else has compiled the goods PLEASE PLEASE LET ME KNOW! we all need to do as much good as we can before we die.
Absolutely. The. Best. N. D. E. Ever. Thank. You. Lee. Very. Much. For. All. Your. Work. Loved. It. All. God. Bless. You
Both. 👍 💯
Thank u .. also love ur videos.. blessings
THE GOLDEN RULE… thank you for this one… her story was excellent to listen to
What a journey. Thank You. 🙂
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, nobody gets to the father but through him, put your faith in him and turn from your sins
Seems to be she simply had a reaction to the meds. Too trippy and weird to be an NDE
This makes it sound like depression and psycological trauma or illness follows you into the next life too. I have friends who passed by suicide and hearing that makes me sad, like these folks can't catch a break, not even in the after-life yet those with physical illness in this life will whisked away to heaven. It seems so unfair. I pray God has mercy on them and heals their broken hearts not casts them further away back to repeat the same type of suffering over and over again in either life.
Also, it doesn't seem fair that if everything is pre-written in the stars that means God intensively made these people exactly as they are, so these people were just destined to suffer and then some lives were written with happiness and progression. I just want to know my friends have chance at peace.
Jesus is one with us as He is one with the Father. He is alive in us, so we remain in His rest during our life. Fleeing to Mt. Zion is fleeing to His rest. You can experience troubles and tribulation while in rest during life. In afterlife, it's the reward of rest without the troubles.
The reasons why we are here is to please GOD Revelation 4:11 creatures bringing pleasure to the CREATOR.
Amy’s story was so detailed and interesting.
Much gratitude for YOU and for the NDEr’s who share their wondrous experiences! It’s life changing to hear Amy’s story! SO many great lessons for us all to contemplate!! ❤
Screem for Jesus reguardless of who else is leading you during an NDE. Jesus said i am the way.
Great NDE..Thanks!!! 🤗
Thank you so much for providing many enlightening NDE videos.
This nde resonates the closest with me. Thank you so much for sharing. I had my experience with meditation. But hearing these stories affirms everything.
I’ve heard this NDE before. Yes the food is poisoned. The water is poisoned. Most food is now largely GMO. Water has fluoride in it. High levels of it in some places. Because of these, cancer rates are up over 1000%.
Thanks Lee for Amy's story.. I am still learning that non of it is about me. God's Grace is enough. I surrender myself to His will.
As with my NDE, the only thing that matters is the love. Do onto others as you would have done on to you. Love one another as you love yourself. Love your self like father loves you. Nothing matters but love. We are all inter-dimensional beings simply here on earth to experience duality. There is no right or wrong there is no good or bad. Unlearn what you have learned. Free your mind and the rest will follow. I love you all!! ❤️
Your experience sounds so amazing , I’m so glad that it changed your entire life for the better ❤❤🖤thank you for sharing it ❤🎉
That was so informative. Thanks
It sounds like a deep, deep dream…
Happy Sunday Mr. Lee… I am so inspired by you.🙏🤩❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I love listening to you 💫and thank you🍎 thank you🎈 thank you🙏 for letting us know all these heartwarming events.💖💖💖 I have one too with my daughter Isabella….long time ago. She's my first born. I have Christina, 16 months apart…and Joey their little brother. I have a story… I don't want to talk about it because I'm so emotional. I lost my daughter 5 years ago in the hands of a jealous boyfriend. I'm crying as I write this to you.😭😭😭
I am so lost😢 and I feel so guilty😰😰😰😰 I don't know if I'm ever going to recuperate or even have a normal life😥 because I will never have a normal life🥺 my daughter is not here anymore she was murdered by her jealous boyfriend😞 and The Authority dismissed it😈😈😈I'm still working on that🥺 actually I'm going to start working on that even more so than before😥😥😥 I pray and I will pray to God to give me the guidance to fulfill this, and avenge her death…🥰she had so much to look forward to!… she did look forward to so many things!… I miss her every single moment of the day… he was jealous in the most wrongest way and to say to her if I can't have you!…no one will! So he murdered her! She had just turned 40 in May…and she said that was going to be the best year of her life!!!…and look what happened… she got murdered in July 2017, and he's out there enjoying his decrepit, miserable, drug addict life!
Thank you.🙏🍎 😊 💓
The meaning of life is to honor Yahweh by keeping his TORAH while knowing that the blood atonement for our breaking of his instructions are paid in full , this brings about worship in body mind and soul . Yes bringing your flesh under control is the very byproduct of your love and worship of Yahweh ,in spirit and in truth
The medication before hearing what it is sounds like Gabapitin, dude this medication wasn't made in a normal lab, I believe the adversary himself over saw the production of this poison. It should be out lawed and the the ones that continue to prescribe it should be put in jail.