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Best Fails of 2022. Watch now, feel better about yourself! https://youtu.be/w6urQm7Prs4
1:02 My favorite SHOT! Not the head shot , but the BEAVER shot.
2:48 damn monkeys
Edit 3:10 damn them again.
i was secretly hoping the sloth could have a burst of speed just ONCE
Florida catfish 🤣
Haha its funny how little brother jumped in to help his sister in a wrestling match XD. Instincts don't know age
9:16 blondes XDDDD
That sloth one was so upsetting
0:57 I love how the balloons just randomly popped out. Was not expecting that
8:04 All those times someone tried to get those soldiers to move… they made someone else move for once
Some of these people died and that one little girl will never trust again. But we laughed so it's worth it. 🤣
Yep, thats a big ass catfish.
03:15 Sick schizophrenic with a golf club!
😂🤣😂 9:27 the best of the lot. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
I feel I need CLOSURE on so many of these video clips. 🙃
Didn't understand a thing about the very last video.
I didn't get the last one, could someone explain me?
People being idiots with their devices, trying to stream in places which are highly hazardous, overweight landwhales falling or tripping down – not sure if it's supposed to be funny, or entertaining, more like adding to overall disappontment and reduction of faith in humanity.
ohh 1:08
Imagine your that drone and that’s the last you saw before you died
Can someone please explain what happens in the last clip 🙏
Explain me please, what is so funny in last video ?
What's the guy in the car doing at 6:45?
When the kid fell into that bucket his leg sticking up had me dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"Not a catfish!"………. Really??
1:21 he’s a keeper
i dont get the last one and i cant see the second last one, way to end on a high failarmy, yet again
What's going on at the end the end they are only singing and playing aren't they?
Getting my snow tires put on today to avoid winter accidents.
It's a pain in the butt to pay for it but when it snows I'm always glad I did it.
Globalist imperialistic social fascists aka coronazis counting false bodies and false votes going down. ZREE people still believe in ZE control mechanism of covid, co2, nitrogen or ze digital one world currency of ze Luciferian zwaaaaabmaggots. Und ze monkeypox 😂
1:44 how is that a fail?
The little boy jumping in the wrestling match was adorable
I always like the ones where someone gets off the couch after 10 years and tries to be an athlete.
Partys over white boy ,daddy's home
10:05 Friends for life 🤣🤣
4:15 That is terrifying
2:48 you know that monkey handler does this a few times a day
Some homosexual fails ROFLMAO LOLLIO IMHO