Summer’s here and the lifeguards are ensuring public safety is their number one priority! EXCLUSIVE Bondi Rescue Season 16 Stream – On the channel for an additional 7 days!
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Bondi Rescue follows the work of the elite professional Lifeguards who patrol Australia’s busiest beach. This is Australia’s real life Baywatch! Taking the viewers on their journey through mass rescues, drownings, resuscitations, shark sightings, and all number of the weird and wonderful experiences Bondi Beach dishes up.
In #BondiRescue the audience sees the action through the eyes of real characters and #lifeguards like Hoppo, Deano, Reidy, Maxi, Whippet and Harries, as they catch thieves, perform CPR, make drug busts, break up fights, and even handle a navy bomb that washes ashore one afternoon. Every year throws up new and completely unexpected challenges, and how lifeguards adapt is what makes Bondi Rescue a show that’s about much more than swimmers being saved in the surf.
SUBSCRIBE to Bondi Rescue to get the latest clips, behind the scenes info, real life rescues and MORE!
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Between The Flags: Bondi Rescue Live Streams – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jUFxtsMRi3zo177jOi6JOfD
Season 15 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jV3JByaTkWJTccN43rOB4RG
Season 14 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jXWxUULRtlk-9TwNBvusoO-
Season 13 Clips – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jXecA4w-vpte7aMYeD6q9Zc
Season 12 Clip – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0Xa58krD0jUrwC4tna9oeUXid3TDBiM0
Best Rescues – http://bit.ly/bestrescues
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#livestream #lifeguard #fullepisode
1.19 in was beginning to wonder if Hoppo had move on just as I was about to give up and large as live Hoppo at 1.19.07 💜💜💜
Bondi Rescue for six For six years now😮😂
Don’t like sand, terrified of water above my waist as I can’t swim so someone help me out here why am i addicted to Bondi Rescue. In all the years i spent in Oz i would go fishing(one day ending up in the Gladesville River) till the cows came home and went back out again,but try and get me on the beach NO chance!!. You boys do a great job, keep going 💜
Bagus kind of reminds me of Yatesy…
Sound went out
mY fAmiLy hAs bEen GoInG hEre fOr yEaRs tHoUgH
Love the lifeguard’s high-pitched screech at 1:02:36😂
When you realize you have caught up.
So, basically, Kerrbox, Yatsey, Jesse, Jules, Bisho, etc. are all gone, eh? 🥺
Good thing it's back to normal today. 😊
Good thing it's back to normal today. 😊
Am I the only one who loses audio part way through?
I love this show so much I binge stream it all the time
Lol dude said no green whistle for u my guy😂
Anyone else’s sound go off at 22:53?
For the La Niña part, it was actually so annoying but it’s finishing up now after like 4 waves of it
Honestly feel like Alex was trying to k*ll himself and no one really paid any notice 🙃
I got an ad for garage door repair services on this, and all I could think of was Jethro 🤦🏼♀️
Where did Jules, Ryan, Yatesy, Matt Dee, Bisho etc go? Why do they almost never say when a lifeguard leaves?
who are the new teams leaders?
i am a soldier
There were some senrences that i dont dell are treue. „The lockdown saved lifes“- are you sure? „Australia is winning the fight against covid“… are you sure? Noone is winnign this battle. This vorus will still be here when menkind is not.
2:04:48 He wasn’t be chased the was just walking towards him quite fast,and he(the other guy/surfer) was backwards
Me:”walking backwards”? So like he was walking backwards to get away… from the guy who was coming after…so basically was being chased
Bevi couldn’t even beat Ali on this show
I feel like they recycled a lot of old clips :/ There was new stuff, but like 60% was from previous seasons.
Best part is the little kid at the end meeting Mario! He's so stoked 😁👏🏻
2:11:04 She 14? ZAAAAAAAAAMN
If you want to watch more seasons everyone, they’ll be streaming Bondi Rescue next year on Paramount+. It won’t be available on our Australian network anymore. But at least it will be more accessible for people around the world as of next year. ❤
The lockdown did not save a single life! One isolates the health! Pure stupidity!
I love Joel and his proud loaf jersey!
Lockdown did nothing to help, be honest?
Annette, baby doll, quit moving! You're hurting yourself more!
So I assume Jessie left during the covid shutdown. Will he return
The lockdowns didn't save 💩
Does anyone know if they will begin posting full eps of seasons 6 and onward after this bout of live streams? I caught up to season 5 but missed the other live streams.
There are so many new lifeguards this season. Lots of new faces.
What happened at 22:52…? Audio just suddenly gets cut off…
Harries is one of the absolute best.
Love you guys! I was amazed when you said you have no powers to move people off the beach, think that's something you should look into… hope that changes because what you guys do is so important! Stay safe 💙
Whyyyyy do people travel without health insurance?