Florence and the Renaissance: Crash Course European History #2

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The Renaissance was a cultural revitalization that spread across Europe, and had repercussions across the globe, but one smallish city-state in Italy was in many ways the epicenter of the thing. Florence, or as Italians might say, Firenze, was the home to a seemingly inordinate amount of the art, architecture, literature, and cultural output of the Renaissance. Artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo daVinci, Sandro Boticelli, and many others were associated with the city, and the money of patrons like the Medici family made a lot of the art possible. Today you’ll learn about how the Renaissance came to be, and what impact it had on Europe and the world.

Our Sources:
Hunt, Lynn et al. The Making of the West: Peoples and Cultures, 6th ed. Boston: Bedford St. Martins, 2019.
Donald R. Kelley, Renaissance Humanism. Boston: Twayne, 1991.

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  1. Comparing John Green 7 years back in US history, it looks like he became old very fast in the past years. The smile is still warm but less energetic. Kinda concerned.
    Still love the course he provides. Hopefully he's doing well.

  2. the reason people dont paint neo-classical monuments is because of white supremacist ideas of "white" people being better so they used white marble to show that. although we know thats not true.

  3. Typical self-superiority looking down his nose and trying to deligitimize anything noble that was attached to Europeans. In this way, he feels superior to everone who existed in the past. Even twists around the money not hoarded by the wealthy or used for their own personal lavishness and instead spent a lot of it to improve public places and buildings and living spaces and then he stuck his own arrogant nose high in the air to find a way to condemn them. In doing this, he believes his virtual signaling will allow him to not only perch far above others simply through condemnation but also help guarantee peaceful living among his fellow haters.

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