NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.122 [FailForceOne]

NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.122 [FailForceOne]
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Near death experience videos and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. All people survive. Don’t forget to drop a like and subscribe.

Our channel is showing the dangers of common life situations and extreme activities to take it seriously and with respect. Take responsibility and don’t risk your life. It has a educational function and not intended to shock people or encourage dangerous activities.

Crocodile video:
Sea snake:

I’m on facebook

All stunts are performed by professionals, don’t try this at home.


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About the Author: Fail Force One


  1. 1. Many a person have lost their arms riding in trams and busses.
    2. Why do rural villagers always try to cross flooded bridges and rivers?
    3. Never go to a ledge and look over, at least where a mountain of snow just went over. Didn't Confucius tell us this? Or wasn't it Jesus? Yes, it was Jesus. In Matthew 41 vs 21 he says, "Thou shalt not look over the edges of icy precipices when your buddy just got killed by falling off of the same one." See that? Right there. These skiers are in sin and they better repent.
    4. If you want a barber chair, you should find one in your city, not out in the woods. My old boss got killed by a barber chair.

  2. For those don't ice climb, that clown soloing has no business on ice. Those sticks weren't solid, he took his hands off the tools, and is ultimately lucky to be alive. He shouldn't be leading on ice let alone soloing.

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