John Davis died for 6 minutes and was taken on what seemed like a 2 hour tour of Heaven. This is his Amazing Near Death Experience (NDE) and testimony of heaven. A Near Death Experience (NDE) is something that someone never forgets and changes them forever.
Full Unedited Interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kv3FHrg9K94
John’s Contact Info
Email: Jandcdavis@msn.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/John-J-Davis/100010378173814/
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I had few cats and dog in my life and am one hundred percent sure that cats are visiting me often before bedtime. i feel completely equal moves around and on my bed how my cats did. Weird feeling but i hope i will see them again..
I definitely believe this. When I had my son at an early age. When they put me out as they did in those years I was traveling down a long tunnel with a light at the end of it. I woke up before I got to the end. I told a few people that and of course they didn’t believe what I said. I have also seen other strange phenomena in my life some I have never told anyone about.
I know a chap who saw his dog in heaven, peeing down Jesus's leg. The good lord was not very happy.
There’s no time in heaven. I hope it’s true about the animals.
I was a dog sitter for a wonderful "mutt" named Jerry. He was so friendly. I called him "my best furry friend."
He was rescued after falling out of the back of a truck.
His vet didn't believe it but he lived for 19 years!
A couple days after he died, I had a vision of Jerry running with Jesus in Heaven! He looked so happy, with his tongue hanging out.
He had arthritis at the end of his life and didn't seem himself.
I felt like he told me he was happy again! And then I was like, "Wait a minute, I didn't know dogs could be Christian!" I guess he converted when I did!
Now I call him Jerimiah. 😇
My cat died one year ago. Also and now I have other cat. Also I had 2 dogs loNg ago. I hope to see them one day
When my father passed away many years ago , his dog died at same time. And was very sad. After I had a dream about my father in heaven and with his dog ! Was amazing
Yes me too!!!!😇😆🐈🦆🕊🐕👵🐈
Me too my beloved orea my dog Jenna I can't wait to see them too
Wow thk u that was an awesome experience. Pray i will be in heaven as wellm
I want to see my brother, my father, my mother – I have so many unanswered questions for them…As for my animals, who gave me the first and last, unconditional love I have ever felt – I hope this is true for me; I’d like to see them FIRST…..then everything else, including all unanswered questions – will seem redundant.
I want to be with my animals. Not fussed about people just want to see my furry friends.
I believe all animals have a special place to go. After all didn't God save all the species before they started over.
I had a very vivid “dream” where I was walking in this beautiful rain forest & it was las the narrator described in this video, vibrant colors & one could sense the flowers plants, everything was alive,& then one of my cats that have passed came out from behind some flowers. I was so overjoyed to see him & I said “oh what are you doing here?” As I knelt down to pet him& to my surprise he was answering me telepathically, speaking. It was such a strong sense of unconditional love & happiness. I woke up so happy & then laughed that he was telepathically communicating…so good to see him after so much time has passed.
I think I was meant to find my dog she was the first one I clicked on when I looked on the internet I;ve always felt we have a special bond
What this person claims is contrary to what the Bible says. The Bible says the dead are asleep and know nothing until judgment day.
Without Jesus and the blood of the cross none cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven. Believe unto him and be saved.
I pray I pray I pray this is true I've had a pastor tell me that pets don't come to heaven. Yet I still cannot stop hoping that's some weird way they'll be there!
I think it's because I love them so much !
I can't even talk about my animals that have passed without crying and crying I miss them I miss A beautiful world champion horse I had I might great dogs wonderful dogs
I miss you Boddie my paint
Stallion aka simply exclusive
My amazing Dalmatian spinner. My beautiful beautiful terrified little dally dog took 2 months she'd get her to stop hiding from humans when I got her.
She loved me so much I miss her so much.
My blue heeler Badger
our Blue heeler Cali
My sweet sweet dog sqweed . As I lay here crying
Looking at my little Toto dog monkey my Blue heeler Asher my two Belgian Malinois I cry thinking one day they'll die.
Any of you out there feel the same way about your dogs for sure the Lord knows how we feel right he has to know.
Gnostic non-sense. "Me, I, me, I"… yet another drug trip. Yeah… "A magical experience." There's the proof by his own mouth. While the Apostle Paul was called up into heaven, he tells us that what he heard no man is allowed to speak… except this guy, of course. See 2 Cor.12:1-4.
Only the animal's spirit goes with the Lord it belongs to God.
We know that our animals are in heaven because when Jesus returns He'll be riding a white horse.
Beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it.😇
Thank you for sharing this wonderful experience – it's very encouraging.
I miss mine as well 😪
This is the first time seeing this video but it helped me to understand that there is an afterlife and that one day when my time comes I'll be able to see my family and all the pets that I have loved and lost and hopefully be together with them for all eternity I also hope sounds crazy and strange but to meet the Tigers and exotic pets that Siegfried and Roy owned and maybe being able to see both of them and be able to talk to them but for now I have to hang on and wait for my time to come I hope it is as it explained in this video sounds so beautiful
What load of rubbish people believe anything
Guides and channeling are satanic. Guides are demons. Remember that Satan can appear as an angel of light and gives supernatural experiences to lead people astray. There is no mention of Jesus here—that’s always a tip-off. PLUS, the comment “There is no death” is a bold faced LIE. The Bible tells us there are TWO deaths!!!! READ THE BOOK OF JOHN IN THE BIBLE AND ACCEPT JESUS AS YOUR SAVIOUR—ACCEPT HIS SACRIFICE OF SINLESS BLOOD ON THE CROSS TO PAY FOR YOUR SINS!!! DO IT TODAY!!! YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH TIME YOU HAVE LEFT!!! REPENT (turn away from) YOUR SINS AND HE WILL GLADLY RECEIVE YOU! HE LOVES YOU AND HE SUFFERED A TERRIBLE DEATH TO SAVE YOU!!! TAKE ADVANTAGE OF HIS FREE GIFT TO YOU OF ETERNAL LIFE—YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT!!!! ALL THOSE WHO CALL UPON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED!!!!!
the wizard of oz lives there.
I would not mind checking out from this plane this very minute if I can reunite with my pets… every time one goes, they leave a void and take away a part of my heart with them.
I believe you. I had a life review and it was so amazing. I saw my son. I saw Jesus. And yes it is true however my life review was in a place where I was going in different rooms seeing myself from birth to now and the music was like something I never heard. I knew I died. I just did not know why? I heard if I did not call your name you have to go back and I woke up
are there komodo dragons in heaven? ducks, pigs, gorillas,