Tanks in War Thunder are the most popular way to play, and are also arguably the most complex game mode. As such, it has …
Tanks in War Thunder are the most popular way to play, and are also arguably the most complex game mode. As such, it has …
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The War Thunder Aviation Iceberg Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTAQjSH-wqQ
Rank VI Premium Tank Tier List: https://youtu.be/SM4qN0qUiyQ
Rank VI Premium Plane Tier List: https://youtu.be/QFPb7hrFvD8
ZultanSultan's Video On The Chi Ha Kai TD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bToB3UFZr78
My Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tankensteinyt
Join The Discord (And Apply For The Tankensquad!): https://discord.gg/gngNQvEZqP
Chinese cheaters are the most enjoyable players to play against
Pe-8 not in the top of the iceberg even though it is literally getting spammed
About the D point: it was a funny event in some map back right after the beta endend in 2014. A never-seen-after JU-52 transport plane would spawn and crash leaving some documents behind that became the dinamic created D point. If you captured it, it dissappeared and it ate a chunk from the enemy red bar. It made possible to overturn 100% lost battles, it was pretty fun to sometime make a last do-or-die cavalry charge.
ur wrong about the d point thing lmao, the d point is literally in coastal/blue water fleet🤦♂️
Bushes, 200 GE? More like 500 each. Still got them to hide my weaknesses tho.
Great video! But PLEASE lower you mouse DPI … I'd pull my hair out just watching someone constantly trying to move their mouse so they can hit the right spot but can't because they use 23243342434 DPI.
15:37 probably because that's a false reason and the community is right
I main italy. I am the 1%
Forgot about the battle royal mode
This is just a theory from personal experience, playing both as Germany and against Germany;
I think the issue is less that Germany, as a nation, has bad players. They've got roughly the same amount of bad players as any other major nation.
The issue that German tanks face is that a large portion of their tanks are not good for pushing. At least at rank 5 and lower (where I play most, and generally see the most people playing) the majority of German tanks are Tiger and Panther variants. The exception to this are the various SPGs, and the few SPAAs. The general design of pretty much all of these tanks (with the exception of the SPAAs) is that they all have some variation of a large gun with strong front-facing armor. Most tend to have bad turret traversal speed compared to other tanks of similar BR, as well as weaker side and rear armor. While this makes them great for shooting at a distance, or forming a firing line and pushing forward, it makes them very bad at close-quarters brawling.
This is an issue because basically every game type for ground vehicles is just "1.)Go to place 2.)Capture point 3.)Hold point."
Why is this an issue? Because the best way to use any tank is to do what the tank is best at.
Sure, people who are really good at using German tanks can drive into close quarters and have a decent chance at surviving a brawl. They just have zero reason to do so, because they get a much better reward by sitting in the camping spots they know will get them kills. All while blaming their team mates for losing the match because nobody captured a point.
No one captured a point because all the people who know how to use the tank the 'right' way know to just go find somewhere and camp. Anyone who Doesn't (or picked a bad camping spot, and either does nothing or gets bored and pushes) dies because German vehicles aren't good for brawling.
This is why many 'experienced' players say they have such a good time playing German vehicles; German vehicles are really good at getting kills, and it's easy to blame your team mates for not winning the match for you. Despite many such players spending the majority of the game nowhere near a capture point, or only grabbing one near the very end of the game if they think it Might win the match for them.
I feel more that camping its like ambush in warthunder.
I had a ghost shell once in my Sherman on Britain it was a pain in the ass
Me, who still has unactivated E100 coupon 😂
Attack the D point!
24:22 anyone can actually test drive it whenever they want if they log into the war thunder wiki, search the e100, click view in game then click test drive
top tier is amazing, just enjoying 10.7 US in arcade
I actualy like white rock fortress and red desert.
The fact that the balloon potato tanks were in the game pays homage to General Patton when he ordered his troops to inflate a decoy army to make the Germans believe that they had a much larger army than they actually had, and intentionally leaked fake intel photos and transmit false radio communications in order to get the Germans to divert multiple armies hundreds of miles north of Normandy. It’s believed this might’ve helped achieve victory in the Battle of Normandy which was still a bloodbath, it would’ve been much worse.