concepts : Streamers Reacting to Hearing CORPSE’S Voice For The First Time Compilation , GIRLS REACTION ON CORPSE HUSBAND’S VOICE , The Best Reactions to Corpse Husbands Voice , Girls Being In Love With Corpse’s Voice , veryone first time hearing CORPSE Husband’s music and singing it, my reaction to corpse husband voice (scary) , How to sound like Corpse Husband and get all the e-girls , everyone simping over CORPSE HUSBAND , Corpse Husband FLIRTING for 4 min and 39 seconds(among us) Corpse voice , Corpse Husband voice , Corpse husband facereveal , Corpse face reveal
#Corpsevoice #CorpseHusbandvoice #Corpsehusbandfacereveal
i just want him to read me LOTR
I was within corpses 0.5 percent on spotify
Omg , choke me
Nigga been swallowing coins 😂
Will Ramos has entered the chat
Am I the only one who gets an immediate bonnet when corpse speaks?
Who’s the girl on the bottom left in the thumbnail
0:05 what up baby?
4:23 bro every voice let alone sound is vibration in the air lmfao
Why every other man sound like a lil girl 😂😂
Here only on the premise that I got called "baby corpse" in a valorant lobby today and had to be like "whoooo???"
He almost sounds like the Toonami dude
Corpse voice is from India. Artist name : visesh milind
Where had this man gone
you know what id like to hear, id like to hear corpse's morning voice, that shit must be deep, haha
Lee > corpse no diff
Wtf did I see in the tags (description)
Is it just me or should Corpse play the voice of Kratos in God of War
Everyone being surprised by corpse’s voice:
Lazarbeam:How far do ur ball need to drop to have that deep of a voice?
Why focus so much on the last guy? Ffs
This is a future message this youtuber will be called out as a pedo the majority of YouTube has them and there is no way to end it it will come heed the warning
Bruh I feel so bad for Corpse, he's a champ and handles it well but people don't understand how mean they are when they just say things about his voice. But it's hardly the first time he's heard stuff like that.