10 SCARIEST Natural Disaster Caught On Camera
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Nobody can stop what is happening on earth. Only God knows what to do
Dave telling his wife to ‘get inside now’ then continuing to film while his wife yells at him to come in. A classic male case of ‘Do as I say, not as I do.’ I bet he never lived that down.
I lived in Colorado for 26 years and the hail shown in the video happens a couple of times each year. Cars get destroyed often. However, it was nothing unusual.
Is it not possible to put plenty of water on the fire tornado? What will happened if you do that?
Seeing nature flexing is humbling. Doesn't matter who/what you are, if you get caught by something like this, you're likely to die, or atleast end up with severe injuries.
I pray that everybody that lost their lives in these disasters R.I.P I pray their families someday find peace, and everybody that went through these, I hope you fully recover and find peace also, my heart hurts for those that lost their lives, their homes, closest I came to a tornado was 1 mile away, left my old apt building alone, but 6 blocks away houses got trees put through their roofs, cars got damaged, houses had roofs ripped off, siding ripped off, alot of people had thousands of $$ in damage as well as city property and roads…
Scalding hot, not scolding.
Brushfire ??? It’s called a bushfire tf
When I'm in Nepal my old grand ma
Feel little earthquake
She told earthquake happen I think see. Drink alcohols today also after few minutes big earthquake happen
I feel earth rolling 30 minutes
Tornado coming through? Yeah I'll just stand outside and film it with my phone. Morons
What was caught on camera for #1?
7:50 WTF!!! It killed 40,000 Koalas?! I’d give a severe death penalty to that PIECE OF SHIT who committed arson on Australia and caused that other huge blaze that killed much more wildlife.
I live in pinellas park Florida near Tampa. And water spouts are actually really cool to watch.
If that tornado at 3:30 would have been a EF 3 or higher, the woman filming would have most definitely die 😱 she kept filming while the tornado was literally 20 meters away from her 👀
At the beginning of 9 you said hail the size of apricots. All the video was of slightly strong winds and rain.
I am sorry friends 🙏
You guys used wrong map of india. Very disappointed
Crazy videos. The single scariest natural disaster caught is the #9: trees are shaking and bend, and a trashcan goes flying. Terrifying catastrophic scene.
OMGoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood could she say it any louder
hale – what the heck happened with the animals??? who cares about the cars!!!?
fire – so many koalas, the tragedy. and other creatures!?
Earthquake – omg! 9,000 lives 😿😮😾🙀
40,000 🐨 perished hurt my heart 💔 omg 😔
Man made disasters u mean.
In #6, the Katmandu earthquake, the birds are just staying aloft… that's the safest place for the moment.
Regarding #7, the hail storm. LOL! It figures someone who was visiting Colorado took the Colorado Springs Zoo video. Clearly, not a native. I was born in Colorado and, though I moved away while still a child, I remember the weather there. One year, we had hail storms every single day for about a month in the summer. And, yes, the weather changes that fast all the time.
Lightning is what happens when the earth sticks its fork into its power socket for fun,
Fire tornadoes are what happen when the earth tries to mix its lighter with its farts,
Hail is what happens when the earth is that angry-sad type of emotion.
Earthquakes are just the earth shrugging its shoulders after saying "hmmm, those buildings are a little heavy",
Tornadoes are just the earth farting,
Water spouts are the earth sneezing over and over,
Strong winds are the earth blowing its nose,
Avalanches are just the earth taking its clothes off so that its skin can see the sun.
From what I've gathered, the earth is just a sick, weakly constituted being who also tries to make the best of its time alive. Let's all be like the earth: 40,075 km in circumference.
7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Nepal in April of 2015 which was the biggest earthquake that I experienced. Thankfully, it was on Saturday afternoon when the earthquake came so there was school holidays however, so many people lost their lives and some lost their relatives and loved ones. Till this day I haven't forgotten how scary it was, there were dust everywhere and the terrifying screams of the people.😢😥
Fire tornadoes rock!
R.I.P. Matsuari
This is so last century. & Why yell at your microphone?!?
I had one of these 8th disaster in Belarus
Clearly someone does not understand the meaning of "scariest."
My man Dave, risking it all for that sick footage. It may not have been smart, but goddamn ya gotta respect it.
Wow. Florida has all the fun. No wonder folks want to move there.
So glad no one IMPORTANT got hurt .
That hailstorm at the zoo. Man I hope those animals were ok…
I will
Snapped trees, and slipped RVs: what a poem
20:30/23:58 is my favorite part
Believe or not, Mount Keawara on Hawaii's big island erupted again.
2:51 that's not a water spout that's a full blown tornado. Water spouts don't do that kind of damage.
Omg. 40,000 koalas perished? 🥺💔
That is so unreal
What's amazing is the Dave is still married!!!
19th comment
Unwatchable due to Ad Whoring.
May want to manually put them in. Google made this unwatchable.
Those guys taking the photos in Hawaii weren't inhaling just smoke, they were also very much exposed to poisonous gases from the cracks in the road.