Hitler forces Himmler to betray his promise of independence for the Baltic states, despite giving the Waffen-SS 40,000 of their young men. Ion Antonescu of Romania decides to save the remaining Romanian Jews to save his own ass.
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Hosted by: Spartacus Olsson
Director: Astrid Deinhard
Producers: Astrid Deinhard and Spartacus Olsson
Executive Producers: Astrid Deinhard, Indy Neidell, Spartacus Olsson
Creative Producer: Marek Kamiński
Community Management: Ian Sowden
Written by: Spartacus Olsson & Joram Appel
Research by: Joram Appel
Edited by: Karolina Dołęga
Artwork and color grading by: Mikołaj Uchman
Sound design by: Marek Kamiński
Colorizations by:
Mikołaj Uchman
Spartacus Olsson
Daniel Weiss
Dememorabilia – https://www.instagram.com/dememorabilia/
Norman Stewart – https://oldtimesincolor.blogspot.com/
Julius Jääskeläinen – https://www.facebook.com/JJcolorization/
Jaris Almazani (Artistic Man), https://instagram.com/artistic.man?igshid=k4l2ushhbwk5
Source literature list: http://bit.ly/WW2sources
Archive footage: Screenocean/Reuters – https://www.screenocean.com
Image sources:
Yad Vashem: 4613/525, 951, 90EO3, R4613/1094, 4086/2
Imperial War Museums: C 3921, TR 1093
National Archives Nara
Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe
Picture of the HASAG – Pelcery labor camp sourced at United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Lola Tanzer
Soundtracks from Epidemic Sound:
Break Free – Fabien Tell
Document This 1 – Peter Sandberg
Dragon King – Jo Wandrini
First Responders – Skrya
Guilty Shadows 4 – Andreas Jamsheree
Last Point of Safe Return – Fabien Tell
March Of The Brave 10 – Rannar Sillard
Never Forget – Fabien Tell
Not Safe Yet – Gunnar Johnsen
Rememberance – Fabien Tell
Spy Game – Jon Sumner
A TimeGhost chronological documentary produced by OnLion Entertainment GmbH.
I’ve gotten the question how we get such exact numbers, and information about some of the single events of the Holocaust. In this episode the buried manuscripts of Auschwitz give us a glimpse into the hard, meticulous work that has gone into that research by thousands of people in the past nine decades. Millions, literally millions of pieces of information have been compiled, researched, and cross referenced to get as close to the truth as we possibly can.
The sources are a compilation of the surviving German records, captured intelligence from the war, testimonies, cross referenced records from occupied countries – like tax records and death certificates, forensic findings from the sites, and much more. The findings have been compiled into databases, reference works, articles, and books ever since the investigations began already during the war. For instance; for Auschwitz there is a “bible” that contains all the data that exists day by day: the Chronicle of Auschwitz 1939-1945, by Danuta Czech, the late deputy director of the Auschwitz museum. She spent two decades tracking down every number she could. It’s one of the major reference works that all of us who research in this field use.
This effort continues, and we improve our collective understanding of the events a little bit more every year – it’s literally detective work, researching the biggest mass murder in known human history. Our part in that is to present as much of that as we can to a wider audience. Even at that surface level it means going through an immense amount of disparate information about millions of lost souls – and while that is excruciating and heart wrenching, that is also why it’s so important; documenting their deaths, every death, means that their memory is preserved, and honored. It means that the perpetrators ultimately fail in their goal to eradicate the identity of their victims.
Never Forget
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never forget
How sad….
Serious question here: Why did they let the newborns live if they have shown no mercy to children who are delivered to the camps? What was their reasoning, if it is known?
Okay – let's assume the UK intel was correct and there really was a revolution brewing in Berlin… as these things usually go, it would have been a communist revolution. Did the UK really want another communist revolution on the continent? They didn't exactly think this through, did they?
✋ p̶r̶o̶m̶o̶s̶m̶
Hitler+Mao+Stalin < WEF goals for humanity's future.
When I first arrived in Australia, I worked with a number of guys from the Baltics, Croatia, Ukraine and Slovenia that served in the Nazi army. They had all come to Australia from holding camps in Western Europe and were able to live out their existence here. Later waves of immigrants from Greece and Yugoslavia were deeply suspicious of them and held them in deep contempt, as the majority had either parents who ha fought against (or suffered under) the Nazis, or had served with the partizans themselves. They had a special hatred of this Polish guy, who was said to have helped the nazis during the occupation. The rest of the workforce was comprised of people who served in the British, German, and Soviet Armies, the General Manager was Jewish and the Chief Engineer was of Polish parents, who had escaped to England during the war. Yet we all managed to get along just fine. When this German guy was complaining he got nothing from the government, while all the British men were receiving war pensions, this Yorkshire guy, who had served in Burma, said to him, "that'll teach you to fight in the wrong army". We all had a bit of a chuckle and carried on. It was live and let live at our little chemical plant!
Thanks Spartacus, for your reminders of the cruelty we humans can inflict & how easy it is to be the perpetrator or the victim.
The Brits never had a problem watching others starve
First of all, the title should be "Baltics join the Waffen-SS". The Waffen-SS was part of the German "Wehrmacht".
Second – to none I might add – is an understanding of Baltic peoples' motives who had to defend themselves and their homelands from Soviet invaders. Never mind left-wingers, liberals tend to forget or ignore the massacres and mass murders of free Lithuanians, Latvians, Belorussians in the 1930ies, all at the hands of Stalin's terrorist Red Army !
Considering the Soviets invaded the Baltic states it is a different situation i believe than collaboration. It was a way to stop the Soviets occupying their homelands again. There is a good film about this called 44 that shows the fates of Baltic troops in both the SS and the Russian army.
Never forget.
…aaand I cried again (blows the nose noisily). Floodgates were to weak, goddammit. What a world. Everything feels so unimportant, compared to the incomprehensible scope of this.
i would only expect a man named spartacus to have such a solid stache, props
Is it just my imagination, or does Rosenberg sound like a Jewish name?
Just terrible. The unknown story of HaTikva and Polish anthem sang in the gas chamber by the people who refuse to be defeated by the Nazi beasts, is poignant, sad, and uplifting!
May their memory be a blessing to us all! Long live Poland! Long live Israel!
it will take me inordinate amounts of alcohol and anti-depressant to watch all WAH episodes..so I ve decided this will be the last one I ll watch
When first viewing Schindler's List, I was struck by the utter hopelessness of the plight of the victims. I have studied the War for many years and am not new to the topic of the holocaust by any means, but in most movies there is always a glimmer of hope. Spielberg offered none. No BBC broadcasts, no American or British air raids, no sound of Russian artillery…. nothing.
In short, they joined to fight Russia and communism.
As a young father myself, what happened to those babies hits way to close to home :/
Nazis: Be proud, Baltic Hybrids, and rejoice, for you are the Chosen Ones – only slightly subhuman in the world of subhumans! How cool is that?
When your home is caught in a tug of war between Nazis and Communists, how do you choose?
Thank you for your work. I will always remember.
Just want to let you know, that you have misspelled the word Zigeuner whilst describing the Gypsy babies being tattooed with consecutive numbers in Oświęcim-Brzezinka German concentration camps/death factories in occupied Poland.
Other than that this was another solid episode in your War against humanity subseries.
Please do carry on the great job!
Your title and content is incorrect and misleading. SS “foreign legion” was intended by Germans but not formed/completed in Lithuania. That was only in Estonian and Latvia. Please fix your title and the content.
I was fine and in good spirits until you got to the serial numbers for the newborn babies. That fucking broke me and I teared up. I'm a 34 year-old man.
A special on the turncoat Witold Pilecki would be good. A Sonder Musselman at Auschwitz who sold out his country.
Churchill should have answered for his part in the famine.
As a separate Sovereign nation, who declared war on Germany a full week after the British declaration, thereby affirming its independence, why would Canada not be allowed to ship food to India? Was it because of the draw off shipping that would likely happen if Canadian ships were diverted to the Pacific and not in the Atlantic delivering supplies to Britain? Or was it Britain pushing a "colony" to follow the dictates of Westminister?
Spartacus vos épisodes " crimes contre l'Humanité" sont si précis qu'ils confortent notre point de vue sur le nazisme et ses horreurs sur les juifs, roms, résistants etc….Quelle horreur ce XXème siècle avec ces 2 guerres mondiales, l'Holocauste, les génocides, les camps ( nazis ou communistes) les bombardements sur civils ( côté nazi comme trop souvent côté allié -Bomber Harris) . Comme me dit un ami allemand de Berlin, ce fut l'Apocalypse ! Merci de relater cela Spartacus ,même si parfois j'ai des difficultés en langue de Shakespeare ! Oui, never forget, ne JAMAIS oublier, niemals vergessen,!никогда не забуду! Thank you for your work !
How come you only hear Anti-Semite and not Anti-anybodyelse? 🤚🏻Heil
Thank you, never forget.
Sometimes when I’m watching videos like this I have to stop listening to the numbers and try to visualize the people instead. It’s easy to lose the concept of 6000 people being murdered. It’s like half of a football stadium being marched to their deaths. Every number is a person, a mother, or brother, or teacher or baker. I don’t want to think of them as just a number on a list.
Z for zigeutner? The german word is zigeuner.
Man, that just got me right here ❤. Never forget.
Undoing wrongdoing. Wonderful wording