Thumbnail is at 0:20. Brutal Car Accidents in Russia and the USA. Details for the crashes are in the comments. Thank you for your support.
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sorry for lack of information for most of these
0:00 Culprit of the accident, the lexus, had stolen the car earlier. as a result, that driver died, everyone else survived
0:20 The culprit of the accident is a 90 year old woman and the crash killed herself and the driver of the other car.
0:31 Kia spectra driver + passenger died. Renault logan, the culprit, survived (the car in the aftermath photo)
0:48 2 dead in the van, author is alive
0:57 No fatalities reported
1:13 The driver survived
1:23 The family was not seriously injured
1:37 2 people were injured but no one died
1:56 No deaths
2:15 No info
2:27 4 people in the ambulance were injured, one critically
3:10 Motorcyclists werent injured
3:19 Red car driver died
3:35 Pedestrian survive
3:58 no info
4:13 The driver of the red car survived
4:27 The culprit flew out due to not wearing seatbelts and died
4:45 no deaths
4:52 Other driver died on the spot
5:16 No deaths
5:30 Car driver dies instantly
6:15 The fatality was the driver
6:44 The oncoming car passenger died. It was her birthday. Everyone else survived
6:51 The culprit was fine and was arrested later.
7:21 No one was injured badly, the culprit was caught by the police
7:31 No one appeared to be injured
7:50 Author received a concussion, deer had a scraped butt
8:01 The motorcyclist lived
8:14 The driver and passenger of the corvette were injured, no deaths
8:31 Motorcycle driver died
8:47 The driver of the turning car died
8:56 Instant death for scooter rider
9:36 The rider survived, he was distracted by a lady walking down the street
9:42 A driver was ejected from not wearing seatbelts, he lived but 2 passengers died
10:24 Motorcycle driver was seriously injured
10:31 No one died
10:42 No info
11:10 Both drivers died
11:23 Motorcycle driver survived with serious injuries
11:34 Two died in the second accident
11:59 Infiniti passenger died in hospital, no deaths in author's car, all wore seatbelts
I have no idea how the biker in the first one survived bro got hit in the face with a ladder and a truck bed😭😭
Thank you bro you are a best🤩🤩🤩
All I can say is WOW 😮 ty for the vid 👍🏻
Every other video I see from Russian drivers they drive excessively on snowy roads. You would think of all people that would know how to drive in the damn snow and yet 90 miles an hour on a snowy road. Idiots. Lol.
Where do you get this videos?
0:06 is that bicycle driver died, that is brutal.
12:04 also, is that red stuff what I think it is?
0:04 was a friggin jumpscare
I hope the deer's butt healed up fine.
One of the most brutal ones yet.
Best on the entire platform and
Informative too, keep up the great work!
Pls more.
Istant click on your video