Probably the most awaited video of the year on this channel is finally out. To be honest it really took some time to decide which clip was worth to finish in this compilation and probably I forgot some of them, sorry if I did. Instead of doing an useless speach I just take advantage of this space to say a big THANK YOU for the support you gave me since the start of the year. The channel has grown massively in the last 365 days and my goal for 2022 is to reach the amazing milestone of 100k subscribers. I’ll try to make my best and don’t forget to show your support. Ciao ragazzi, see you next year!
Probably the most awaited video of the year on this channel is finally out. To be honest it really took some time to decide which clip was worth to finish in this compilation and probably I forgot some of them, sorry if I did. Instead of doing an useless speach I just take advantage of this space to say a big THANK YOU for the support you gave me since the start of the year. The channel has grown massively in the last 365 days and my goal for 2022 is to reach the amazing milestone of 100k subscribers. I'll try to make my best and don't forget to show your support. Ciao ragazzi, see you next year!
Okay so I'm not very knowledgable on motorcycle racing. My question is wouldn't kicking out the rear tire from under the bike prevent getting highsided if you knew you were going to crash, and how hard is it to purposely kick that rear tire out in the event of an imminent crash?
And Michael McDowell from Glendale Arizona for the Bob Jenkins front row motorsports has won the Daytona 500 how about that man that’s a huge win for Michael McDowell and that team doesn’t get any better than this and a huge crash for everybody else and yes Clint he led only the last lap that’s all he needed is to lead the last lap and he did
Never ceases to amaze me that people can actually crash while going in a straight line.
7:18 背骨やばそうだけど、怪我の具合どうなんだろう?
Did the guy survive? His car got torn to pieces!
Du sport ?!?!?!? Ou ça du sport ?!?!?!? 🤔
Im sorry, but motorcycle racers have the biggest balls of all.
I can't imagine watching electric cars race could be fun at all
I watch a lot of your videos, I wouldn’t put these in a worst list.
Very good job of producing this, all the videos were HD, sound didn't jump from loud to quiet very often and of course, some crashes were spectacular.
🙋♂Watch Ford 2006 GT playlist – Asphalt 8 Airborne
I want to go check my brake lines after watching this
Any “car crashes” out of the UK could be fixed with a can of wd-40
not a bad edit
Can someone please tell me what's happening at 13:13. I can see he's losing it going the wrong way into the bend but it looks like a propane tank rolls out and blows his car to pieces.
Whoever designed the modern F1 car canopy to have a support pillar directly in the driver's line of sight needs to be fired & banned from automotive engineering.
This is the best car crash video I have watched
Free online lobby. Full of rammers again.
19:19 INSANE set of crashes! 😮
this creator will soon reach 100K
The money that was wasted here in the videos by accidents… you could make a nice life with it…
What race is shown @22:23? And what caused it, oil, fuel, wet spot? Really curious since 6 cars crashed back to back at the same spot. Thank you in advance, I don't get to watch much racing as I would like but that is what great channels like this are for.
1:07 every online racing game ever
i love how the narrator people act like this happens everyday and stays so calm
1:06 Forza "aggressive" drivers be like.
whats the first clip? never seen racing that has 3 people
36:02 love that one 😀
13:13 bro what happened here it looks like a grenade exploded or something wth
racing is such a waste of money, really
22:24 what happened here? how come 5 cars each lost control the same way? weird
A bunch of gnarly crashes from real racing pros, and then some nascar thrown in for the kids.
We just watch tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars get absolutely destroyed in 40 minutes
You gotta have some serious balls to race rally!
Waiting for the nascar comments
Wow. These Forza online races are amazingly tame. Its always nice when only one crash happens per race.
American narrator: *OMG! THIS IS A HUGE CRASH!*
English: There has been an incident.
German: Das schauen wir uns nochmal in Zeitlupe an.
Italian: Mamma mia! Madonna!
French: oh la la, ma baquette…
13:28 DEFINITELY the worst crash i've ever seen.
Watching videos like this makes me realise how beautiful and varied the global Motorsport landscape is. So many different types of racing, all of which is exciting and thrilling in their own ways.
What sucks is I wrecked worse than about every wreck in this doing only 20mph when my truck's hydraulics went out, no steering or breaks, and it went off a 110ft mountain side, through trees, flipped a bunch, and landed driverside down, with no cell coverage. I will never buy another truck. 🤣 F250 SD V10, evil ** was too heavy for its own breaks. At least it didn't catch fire.